embedded security


Visible to the public 2023 MITRE Embedded Capture the Flag (eCTF) Competition

Registration for the 2023 MITRE Embedded Capture the Flag (eCTF) Competition is now open at https://forms.office.com/g/rLaXwSBpdk! The competition will run over the spring semester from from January 18th through April 19th with an award ceremony on April 26th.


Visible to the public 2022 MITRE Embedded Capture the Flag (eCTF) Competition

Registration for the 2022 MITRE Embedded Capture the Flag (eCTF) Competition is now open at https://mitrecyberacademy.org/competitions/embedded/! The competition will run over the spring semester from mid-January through mid-April with a mid-April virtual award ceremony (exact dates TBA).