
Applications of CPS technologies that involve communications systems.

Visible to the public  JRWRTC 2014
Oct 08, 2014 8:00 am - Oct 10, 2014 5:00 pm CEST

8th Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing (JRWRTC 2014)

in conjunction with the 22nd International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2014)

Call for papers


Visible to the public CFP: Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing (JRWRTC2014)

8th Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing (JRWRTC 2014)

in conjunction with the 22nd International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2014)


Visible to the public  PDP 2015
Jun 24, 2014 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm EEST

23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2015)

March 4-6, 2015, Turku, Finland

General Scope