University of Colorado at Boulder


Visible to the public Visions of the Future


Visible to the public Formal Analysis of Human Machine Interactions for Cyber-Physical Systems


Human users are integral to the operation of safety--critical CPS. The goal of this project is to model and analyze the actions of human users along with possible mistakes that may appear in these interactions. We seek to develop approaches that will help us understand the effect of human operator mistakes on the overall system correctness. Our focus is on medical infusion pumps used to deliver drugs to patients.


Visible to the public Semantics of Optimization for Real Time Intelligent Embedded Systems (SORTIES)


Optimization algorithms used in a real-time and safety-critical context offer the potential for considerably advancing robotic and autonomous systems by improving their ability to execute complex missions. However, this promise cannot happen without proper attention to the considerably stronger operational constraints that real time, safety-critical applications must meet, unlike their non-real-time, desktop counterparts.


Visible to the public CPS Synergy: In-Silico Verification of Artificial Pancreas Control Algorithm


The artificial pancreas (AP) is a set of increasingly sophisticated devices and algorithms that will automate the delivery of insulin to patients with type--1 diabetes. While the AP concept promises to alleviate the burden posed by the self-- management of blood glucose levels, it also poses significant risks arising from a combination of external disturbances such as patient meals, physical activity, sensor errors, network delays and physiological variations.