Networked Control

Systems where control loops are closed through a real-time network.

Visible to the public CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Networked Sensor Swarm of Underwater Drifters

Project Details
University of California-San Diego Scripps Institute of Oceanography

Visible to the public CPS: Medium: Programmable Second Skin to Re-educate Injured Nervous Systems

Project Details
Children's Hospital Corporation

Objectives and approaches.


Visible to the public Cyber-Enabled Efficient Energy Management of Structures (CEEMS)

This project focuses on modern buildings as a natural expression of a cyber-physical system, with many features that are typical to such systems. This project focuses on modern buildings as a natural expression of a cyber-physical system, with many features that are typical to such systems. Modern buildings exhibit a tight integration of sensing, computation, and actuation within multiple physical domains.