Designing and managing complex engineering projects over their life cycles.
For pioneering researcher Ruzena Bajcsy, fostering cutting-edge technology to improve people's lives is a noble challenge. Dr. Bajcsy took the helm at CITRIS in November 2001, after devoting more than 30 years of her life to research in the fields of robotics, artificial intelligence and machine perception. Bajcsy's credentials reach across the traditionally discrete fields of neuroscience, applied mechanics and computer science. She is a member of both the National Academy of Engineering and the Institute of Medicine, a distinction few people can match.
My current research interests are in developing tools aimed at improving the efficiency of the National Airspace System: these include techniques for the collection and processing of data, mechanisms for the allocation of airport and airspace resources to airlines, and algorithms for the scheduling and routing of air traffic. I am also interested in the design of algorithms for the tracking and managing identities of maneuvering targets in sensor networks, particularly the air traffic management system of the United States.