Timing-Centric Software
This project is developing a programming model called PTIDES for distributed real-time systems. The PTIDES project focuses on model-based design principles for event-triggered real-time distributed systems. We are interested in cyber-physical applications with one or more of the following characteristics: highly asynchronous stimulus response such that the periodic sampling used in safety-critical systems is not a feasible solution; mixed systems where periodic sampling and asynchronous stimulus response are both present; systems where knowing the precise time (at a fine grain than possible using periodic sampling) is required; and systems where the order of distributed events must be determined to high accuracy and this order preserved in any response. The motivating applications are drawn from the domain of cyber-physical systems. The objects of the project are: design and deployment of PTIDES programming model and its integration with network models and models of physical dynamics; design of a low-footprint distributed operating system that realizes this programming model; and development of program analysis techniques that check system implementations for satisfaction of PTIDES temporal semantics.
Award ID: 1035672
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