United States of America


Visible to the public Program Agenda - U.S.-German Workshop on IoT/CPS

Tuesday, January 19th (Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, 4645 Reservoir Rd., Washington, D.C. 20007)


Visible to the public Semantic eScience Joint Doctrine

The attached comment discusses Semantic eScience in the context of the Philosophy of Science and Joint Doctrine. In summary,

  • The Philosophy of Science suggests that there are significant limitations to the predictive power of Semantic eScience;
  • Semantic eScience could be more strongly aligned with Joint Doctrine.

The effectiveness of Semantic eScience relative to other methods is not discussed because the effectiveness of Semantic eScience as a cybersecurity tool can only be established by field studies.


Visible to the public "Architectural Abstractions for Hybrid Programs" wins the best paper award at CBSE/CompArch 2015

A paper from Carnegie Mellon University titled "Architectural Abstractions for Hybrid Programs" wins a Distinguished Paper Award at the 18th International Symposium for Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE), part of the CompArch federated conference series (Component-Based Software Engineering and Software Architecture). You can view the presentation slides here.


Visible to the public Contract-Based Integration of Cyber-Physical Analyses

Abstract: Developing cyber-physical systems involves multiple engineering domains, e.g., timing, logical correctness, thermal resilience, and mechanical stress. In today's industrial practice, these domains rely on multiple analyses to obtain and verify critical system properties. Domain differences make the analyses abstract away interactions among themselves, potentially invalidating the results. Specifically, one challenge is to ensure that an analysis is never applied to a model that violates the assumptions of the analysis.


Visible to the public ACTIVE: A Tool for Integrating Analysis Contracts

Abstract: Development of modern Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) relies on a number of analysis tools to verify critical properties. The Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) standard provides a common architectural model to which multiple CPS analyses can be applied. Unfortunately, interaction between these analyses can invalidate their results. In this paper we present ACTIVE, a tool developed within the OSATE/AADL infrastructure to solve this problem.


Visible to the public Architectural Abstractions for Hybrid Programs

Abstract: Modern cyber-physical systems interact closely with continuous physical processes like kinematic movement. Software component frameworks do not provide an explicit way to represent or reason about these processes. Meanwhile, hybrid program models have been successful in proving critical properties of discrete-continuous systems. These programs deal with diverse aspects of a cyber-physical system such as controller decisions, component communication protocols, and mechanical dynamics, requiring several programs to address the variation.


Visible to the public Supporting Heterogeneity in Cyber-Physical Systems Architectures

Abstract: Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are heterogeneous, because they tightly couple computation, communication and control along with physical dynamics, which are traditionally considered separately. Without a comprehensive modeling formalism, model-based development of CPS involves using a multitude of models in a variety of formalisms that capture various aspects of the system design, such as software design, networking design, physical models, and protocol design.


Visible to the public Spearphishing Defense Using Deception Countermeasures

Technical defenses (such as email filtering, malware detection, firewalls, limited user privileges, and system monitoring) leave systems unnecessarily exposed to phishing attacks because the human attack surface remains easily accessible and subject to successful attacks based on principles of psychology which are exploited using military deception. The authors propose deception countermeasures which modify the email interface, thereby making the user less susceptible to email-based deception.