
Visible to the public Modal Logic and Bisimulation for Generalized Synchronization Trees

This poster surveys results obtained by the project team in the area of logical characterizations for bisimulation over a general mathematical model for cyber-physical systems (CPSs) called Generalized Synchronization Trees (GSTs). GSTs extend traditional models for discrete-event systems with capabilities for modeling non-discrete behavior, and are intended to serve as a vehicle for giving mathematically well-defined notions of compositions for CPSs. Bisimulation represents a notion of equivalence over GSTs that captures when two GSTs are indistinguishable to an outside observer.


Visible to the public Opacity and Structural Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems

This poster surveys results obtained by the project team in the general area of cybersecurity for Cyberphysical Systems (CPSs). In particular, the team has shown how the notion of opacity, which has been defined and studied in the context of discrete-event systems, may be lifted to linear time-invariant and switched systems. Opacity is concerned with the ability of a system to conceal aspects of its behavior ("secrets") from a passive adversary who can observe aspects of system dynamics.