

Visible to the public Assembling Successful Structures Lignin Beads for Sustainability of Food, Energy, and Water Systems

This Research Infrastructure Improvement Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaboration (RII Track-2 FEC) award is a collaboration among three institutions in LA and KY -- Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Louisiana State University A&M College, and the University of Kentucky. The research is focused on lignin chemistry - lignin is a class of complex organic polymers found in plants, particularly wood.


Visible to the public Center for a Sustainable Water, Energy, and Food Nexus (SusWEF).pdf

Overview: The Center for a Sustainable Water Energy Food Nexus (SusWEF) will result in the formation of a strong, strategic and sustainable research and education partnership between the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez (UPRM) and the University of South Carolina (USC) that will work together in forging a path to finding solutions that are crucial for a global transition to sustainable use of water, energy, and food.