National HCSS Conference 2014

14th Annual High Confidence Software and Systems Conference.

Visible to the public Toward Precise and Accurate Descriptions of Weaknesses


MITRE's Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) is a list of several hundred classes of weakness that may be found in software. While it is a huge amount of progress over what was available a decade ago, there is still a lot of work to do. We propose some directions to significantly improve CWEs. These directions come from semantic templates, software fault patterns, and other work.


Visible to the public Moving forward with DIS and the Building Code

Presented as part of the 2014 HCSS conference.

Moderator:Bill Scherlis (CMU)
Panelists: Byron Cook (Microsoft Research and University Colllege London), Kathleen Fisher (DARPA), John Hatcliff (Kansas State University), John Launchbury (Galois, Inc.), Ray Richards (Rockwell Collins)



Visible to the public DARPA's BRAIN Initiative

Presented as part of the 2014 HCSS conference.


Visible to the public Programming Languages for High-Assurance Autonomous Vehicles

Presented as part of the 2014 HCSS conference.
