Big Data Analytics in CPS: Enabling the move from IoT to real time control


Visible to the public BEMOSS- An Agent Platform to Enable Grid-Interactive Building Operation with IoT Devices

Manisa Pipattanasomporn joined Virginia Tech's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as an assistant professor in 2006. She serves as one of the principal investigators (PIs) of multiple research grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Energy, on research topics related to smart grid, microgrid, energy efficiency, load control, renewable energy and electric vehicles. Her research interests include renewable energy systems, energy efficiency, distributed energy resources, and the smart grid.


Visible to the public Framework for Scheduling of Intelligent Jobs in Flexible Job-shop Environment

Ashutosh Nayak is a first year PhD student under Prof. Seokcheon Lee in Industrial Engineering at Purdue University. He joined Purdue University in Fall 2014. He completed his Bachelors and Masters from IIT Kharagpur under the supervision of Prof Manoj Kumar Tiwari. He is currently working in the field of Smart Manufacturing Systems. He has co-authored research articles published in IEEE systems, IJPR and CIE. He research interest also includes scheduling, evolutionary algorithms, production systems and complex networks.