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Kraft, Oliver, Pohl, Oliver, Häger, Ulf, Heussen, Kai, Müller, Nils, Afzal, Zeeshan, Ekstedt, Mathias, Farahmand, Hossein, Ivanko, Dmytro, Singh, Ankit et al..  2022.  Development and Implementation of a Holistic Flexibility Market Architecture. 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1—5.
The demand for increasing flexibility use in power systems is stressed by the changing grid utilization. Making use of largely untapped flexibility potential is possible through novel flexibility markets. Different approaches for these markets are being developed and vary considering their handling of transaction schemes and relation of participating entities. This paper delivers the conceptual development of a holistic system architecture for the realization of an interregional flexibility market, which targets a market based congestion management in the transmission and distribution system through trading between system operators and flexibility providers. The framework combines a market mechanism with the required supplements like appropriate control algorithms for emergency situations, cyber-physical system monitoring and cyber-security assessment. The resulting methods are being implemented and verified in a remote-power-hardware-in-the-loop setup coupling a real world low voltage grid with a geographically distant real time simulation using state of the art control system applications with an integration of the aforementioned architecture components.
Gylling, Andreas, Ekstedt, Mathias, Afzal, Zeeshan, Eliasson, Per.  2021.  Mapping Cyber Threat Intelligence to Probabilistic Attack Graphs. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :304–311.
As cyber threats continue to grow and expertise resources are limited, organisations need to find ways to evaluate their resilience efficiently and take proactive measures against an attack from a specific adversary before it occurs. Threat modelling is an excellent method of assessing the resilience of ICT systems, forming Attack (Defense) Graphs (ADGs) that illustrate an adversary’s attack vectors. Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is information that helps understand the current cyber threats, but has little integration with ADGs. This paper contributes with an approach that resolves this problem by using CTI feeds of known threat actors to enrich ADGs under multiple reuse. This enables security analysts to take proactive measures and strengthen their ICT systems against current methods used by any threat actor that is believed to pose a threat to them.
Johnson, Pontus, Lagerström, Robert, Ekstedt, Mathias.  2018.  A Meta Language for Threat Modeling and Attack Simulations. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :38:1-38:8.

Attack simulations may be used to assess the cyber security of systems. In such simulations, the steps taken by an attacker in order to compromise sensitive system assets are traced, and a time estimate may be computed from the initial step to the compromise of assets of interest. Attack graphs constitute a suitable formalism for the modeling of attack steps and their dependencies, allowing the subsequent simulation. To avoid the costly proposition of building new attack graphs for each system of a given type, domain-specific attack languages may be used. These languages codify the generic attack logic of the considered domain, thus facilitating the modeling, or instantiation, of a specific system in the domain. Examples of possible cyber security domains suitable for domain-specific attack languages are generic types such as cloud systems or embedded systems but may also be highly specialized kinds, e.g. Ubuntu installations; the objects of interest as well as the attack logic will differ significantly between such domains. In this paper, we present the Meta Attack Language (MAL), which may be used to design domain-specific attack languages such as the aforementioned. The MAL provides a formalism that allows the semi-automated generation as well as the efficient computation of very large attack graphs. We declare the formal background to MAL, define its syntax and semantics, exemplify its use with a small domain-specific language and instance model, and report on the computational performance.

Korman, Matus, Välja, Margus, Björkman, Gunnar, Ekstedt, Mathias, Vernotte, Alexandre, Lagerström, Robert.  2017.  Analyzing the Effectiveness of Attack Countermeasures in a SCADA System. Proceedings of the 2Nd Workshop on Cyber-Physical Security and Resilience in Smart Grids. :73–78.

The SCADA infrastructure is a key component for power grid operations. Securing the SCADA infrastructure against cyber intrusions is thus vital for a well-functioning power grid. However, the task remains a particular challenge, not the least since not all available security mechanisms are easily deployable in these reliability-critical and complex, multi-vendor environments that host modern systems alongside legacy ones, to support a range of sensitive power grid operations. This paper examines how effective a few countermeasures are likely to be in SCADA environments, including those that are commonly considered out of bounds. The results show that granular network segmentation is a particularly effective countermeasure, followed by frequent patching of systems (which is unfortunately still difficult to date). The results also show that the enforcement of a password policy and restrictive network configuration including whitelisting of devices contributes to increased security, though best in combination with granular network segmentation.

Udd, Robert, Asplund, Mikael, Nadjm-Tehrani, Simin, Kazemtabrizi, Mehrdad, Ekstedt, Mathias.  2016.  Exploiting Bro for Intrusion Detection in a SCADA System. Proceedings of the 2Nd ACM International Workshop on Cyber-Physical System Security. :44–51.
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems that run our critical infrastructure are increasingly run with Internet-based protocols and devices for remote monitoring. The embedded nature of the components involved, and the legacy aspects makes adding new security mechanisms in an efficient manner far from trivial. In this paper we study an anomaly detection based approach that enables detecting zero-day malicious threats and benign malconfigurations and mishaps. The approach builds on an existing platform (Bro) that lends itself to modular addition of new protocol parsers and event handling mechanisms. As an example we have shown an application of the technique to the IEC-60870-5-104 protocol and tested the anomaly detector with mixed results. The detection accuracy and false positive rate, as well as real-time response was adequate for 3 of our 4 created attacks. We also discovered some additional work that needs to be done to an existing protocol parser to extend its reach.