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Wang, N., Song, H., Luo, T., Sun, J., Li, J..  2020.  Enhanced p-Sensitive k-Anonymity Models for Achieving Better Privacy. 2020 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :148—153.

To our best knowledge, the p-sensitive k-anonymity model is a sophisticated model to resist linking attacks and homogeneous attacks in data publishing. However, if the distribution of sensitive values is skew, the model is difficult to defend against skew attacks and even faces sensitive attacks. In practice, the privacy requirements of different sensitive values are not always identical. The “one size fits all” unified privacy protection level may cause unnecessary information loss. To address these problems, the paper quantifies privacy requirements with the concept of IDF and concerns more about sensitive groups. Two enhanced anonymous models with personalized protection characteristic, that is, (p,αisg) -sensitive k-anonymity model and (pi,αisg)-sensitive k-anonymity model, are then proposed to resist skew attacks and sensitive attacks. Furthermore, two clustering algorithms with global search and local search are designed to implement our models. Experimental results show that the two enhanced models have outstanding advantages in better privacy at the expense of a little data utility.

Gao, Y., Luo, T., Li, J., Wang, C..  2017.  Research on K Anonymity Algorithm Based on Association Analysis of Data Utility. 2017 IEEE 2nd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). :426–432.

More and more medical data are shared, which leads to disclosure of personal privacy information. Therefore, the construction of medical data privacy preserving publishing model is of great value: not only to make a non-correspondence between the released information and personal identity, but also to maintain the data utility after anonymity. However, there is an inherent contradiction between the anonymity and the data utility. In this paper, a Principal Component Analysis-Grey Relational Analysis (PCA-GRA) K anonymous algorithm is proposed to improve the data utility effectively under the premise of anonymity, in which the association between quasi-identifiers and the sensitive information is reckoned as a criterion to control the generalization hierarchy. Compared with the previous anonymity algorithms, results show that the proposed PCA-GRA K anonymous algorithm has achieved significant improvement in data utility from three aspects, namely information loss, feature maintenance and classification evaluation performance.

Zhang, X., Cao, Y., Yang, M., Wu, J., Luo, T., Liu, Y..  2017.  Droidrevealer: Automatically detecting Mysterious Codes in Android applications. 2017 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing. :535–536.

The state-of-the-art Android malware often encrypts or encodes malicious code snippets to evade malware detection. In this paper, such undetectable codes are called Mysterious Codes. To make such codes detectable, we design a system called Droidrevealer to automatically identify Mysterious Codes and then decode or decrypt them. The prototype of Droidrevealer is implemented and evaluated with 5,600 malwares. The results show that 257 samples contain the Mysterious Codes and 11,367 items are exposed. Furthermore, several sensitive behaviors hidden in the Mysterious Codes are disclosed by Droidrevealer.