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Faust, C., Dozier, G., Xu, J., King, M. C..  2017.  Adversarial Authorship, Interactive Evolutionary Hill-Climbing, and Author CAAT-III. 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :1–8.

We are currently witnessing the development of increasingly effective author identification systems (AISs) that have the potential to track users across the internet based on their writing style. In this paper, we discuss two methods for providing user anonymity with respect to writing style: Adversarial Stylometry and Adversarial Authorship. With Adversarial Stylometry, a user attempts to obfuscate their writing style by consciously altering it. With Adversarial Authorship, a user can select an author cluster target (ACT) and write toward this target with the intention of subverting an AIS so that the user's writing sample will be misclassified Our results show that Adversarial Authorship via interactive evolutionary hill-climbing outperforms Adversarial Stylometry.