At the present, the security on the Internet is very sensitive and important. Most of the computer science curricula in universities and institutes of higher education provides this knowledge in term of computer and network security. Therefore, students studying in the information technology area need to have some basic knowledge about the security in order to prevent the potential attacks and protect themselves from hackers or intruders. Unfortunately, the network security concept is moderately abstract when students learn in the traditional lecture-based class. In this paper, to motivate and help students to perceive better than in the traditional classroom, we propose a security game called “Lord of Secure”, which is a virtual reality (VR) game on Android for education. It is an alternative learning materials for learners to gain the knowledge about the network security effectively. The game composes of main topics of the network security such as Firewall, IDS, IPS, and Honey pot. Moreover, the game will give the players knowledge about network security through the virtual world. The game also contains several quizzes including pretest and posttest, so players will know how much they gain more knowledge about network security by comparing scores before and after playing the game.
Botnet on a mobile platform is one of the severe problems for the Internet security. It causes damages to both individual users and the economic system. Botnet detection is required to stop these damages. However, botmasters keep developing their botnets. Peer-to-peer (P2P) connection and encryption are used in the botnet communication to avoid the exposure and takedown. To tackle this problem, we propose the P2P mobile botnet detection by using communication patterns. A graph representation called "graphlet" is used to capture the natural communication patterns of a P2P mobile botnet. The graphlet-based detection does not violate the user privacy, and also effective with encrypted traffic. Furthermore, a machine learning technique with graphlet-based features can detect the P2P mobile botnet even it runs simultaneously with other applications such as Facebook, Line, Skype, YouTube, and Web. Moreover, we employ the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to analyze graphlet's features to leverage the detection performance when the botnet coexists with dense traffic such as Web traffic. Our work focuses on the real traffic of an advanced P2P mobile botnet named "NotCompatible.C". The detection performance shows high F-measure scores of 0.93, even when sampling only 10% of traffic in a 3-minute duration.