Yang, Yang, Chang, Xiaolin, Han, Zhen, Li, Lin.
Delay-Aware Secure Computation Offloading Mechanism in a Fog-Cloud Framework. 2018 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel Distributed Processing with Applications, Ubiquitous Computing Communications, Big Data Cloud Computing, Social Computing Networking, Sustainable Computing Communications (ISPA/IUCC/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom). :346–353.
Fog-Cloud framework is being regarded as a more promising technology to provide performance guarantee for IoT applications, which not only have higher requirements on computation resources, but also are delay and/or security sensitive. In this framework, a delay and security-sensitive computation task is usually divided into several sub-tasks, which could be offloaded to either fog or cloud computing servers, referred to as offloading destinations. Sub-tasks may exchange information during their processing and then have requirement on transmission bandwidth. Different destinations produce different completion delays of a sub-task, affecting the corresponding task delay. The existing offloading approaches either considered only a single type of offloading destinations or ignored delay and/or security constraint. This paper studies a computation offloading problem in the fog-cloud scenario where not only computation and security capabilities of offloading destinations may be different, but also bandwidth and delay of links may be different. We first propose a joint offloading approach by formulating the problem as a form of Mixed Integer Programming Multi-Commodity Flow to maximize the fog-cloud provider's revenue without sacrificing performance and security requirements of users. We also propose a greedy algorithm for the problem. Extensive simulation results under various network scales show that the proposed computation offloading mechanism achieves higher revenue than the conventional single-type computation offloading under delay and security constraints.