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Weyns, Danny, Bures, Tomas, Calinescu, Radu, Craggs, Barnaby, Fitzgerald, John, Garlan, David, Nuseibeh, Bashar, Pasquale, Liliana, Rashid, Awais, Ruchkin, Ivan et al..  2021.  Six Software Engineering Principles for Smarter Cyber-Physical Systems. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C), Proceedings of the Workshop on Self-Improving System Integration.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) integrate computational and physical components. With the digitisation of society and industry and the progressing integration of systems, CPS need to become “smarter” in the sense that they can adapt and learn to handle new and unexpected conditions, and improve over time. Smarter CPS present a combination of challenges that existing engineering methods have difficulties addressing: intertwined digital, physical and social spaces, need for heterogeneous modelling formalisms, demand for context-tied cooperation to achieve system goals, widespread uncertainty and disruptions in changing contexts, inherent human constituents, and continuous encounter with new situations. While approaches have been put forward to deal with some of these challenges, a coherent perspective on engineering smarter CPS is lacking. In this paper, we present six engineering principles for addressing the challenges of smarter CPS. As smarter CPS are software-intensive systems, we approach them from a software engineering perspective with the angle of self-adaptation that offers an effective approach to deal with run-time change. The six principles create an integrated landscape for the engineering and operation of smarter CPS.
Hassan, Alzubair, Nuseibeh, Bashar, Pasquale, Liliana.  2021.  Engineering Adaptive Authentication. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C). :275—280.
Adaptive authentication systems identify and enforce suitable methods to verify that someone (user) or something (device) is eligible to access a service or a resource. An authentication method is usually adapted in response to changes in the security risk or the user's behaviour. Previous work on adaptive authentication systems provides limited guidance about i) what and how contextual factors can affect the selection of an authentication method; ii) which requirements are relevant to an adaptive authentication system and iii) how authentication methods can affect the satisfaction of the relevant requirements. In this paper, we provide a holistic framework informed by previous research to characterize the adaptive authentication problem and support the development of an adaptive authentication system. Our framework explicitly considers the contextual factors that can trigger an adaptation, the requirements that are relevant during decision making and their trade-offs, as well as the authentication methods that can change as a result of an adaptation. From the gaps identified in the literature, we elicit a set of challenges that can be addressed in future research on adaptive authentication.
Salehie, Mazeiar, Pasquale, Liliana, Omoronyia, Inah, Nuseibeh, Bashar.  2012.  Adaptive Security and Privacy in Smart Grids: A Software Engineering Vision. 2012 First International Workshop on Software Engineering Challenges for the Smart Grid (SE-SmartGrids). :46–49.

Despite the benefits offered by smart grids, energy producers, distributors and consumers are increasingly concerned about possible security and privacy threats. These threats typically manifest themselves at runtime as new usage scenarios arise and vulnerabilities are discovered. Adaptive security and privacy promise to address these threats by increasing awareness and automating prevention, detection and recovery from security and privacy requirements' failures at runtime by re-configuring system controls and perhaps even changing requirements. This paper discusses the need for adaptive security and privacy in smart grids by presenting some motivating scenarios. We then outline some research issues that arise in engineering adaptive security. We particularly scrutinize published reports by NIST on smart grid security and privacy as the basis for our discussions.