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Lei, X., Tu, G.-H., Liu, A. X., Xie, T..  2020.  Fast and Secure kNN Query Processing in Cloud Computing. 2020 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1–9.
Advances in sensing and tracking technology lead to the proliferation of location-based services. Location service providers (LSPs) often resort to commercial public clouds to store the tremendous geospatial data and process location-based queries from data users. To protect the privacy of LSP's geospatial data and data user's query location against the untrusted cloud, they are required to be encrypted before sending to the cloud. Nevertheless, it is not easy to design a fast and secure location-based query processing scheme over the encrypted data. In this paper, we propose a Fast and Secure kNN (FSkNN) scheme to support secure k nearest neighbor (k NN) search in cloud computing. We reveal the inherent connection between an Sk NN protocol and a secure range query protocol and further describe how to construct FSkNN based on a secure range query protocol. FSkNN leverages a customized accuracy-assured strategy to ensure the result accuracy and adopts a data structure named random Bloom filter (RBF) to build a secure index for efficiently searching. We formally prove the security of FSkNN under the random oracle model. Our evaluation results show that FSkNN is highly practical.
Lei, X., Liao, X., Huang, T., Li, H..  2014.  Cloud Computing Service: the Case of Large Matrix Determinant Computation. Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on. PP:1-1.

Cloud computing paradigm provides an alternative and economical service for resource-constrained clients to perform large-scale data computation. Since large matrix determinant computation (DC) is ubiquitous in the fields of science and engineering, a first step is taken in this paper to design a protocol that enables clients to securely, verifiably, and efficiently outsource DC to a malicious cloud. The main idea to protect the privacy is employing some transformations on the original matrix to get an encrypted matrix which is sent to the cloud; and then transforming the result returned from the cloud to get the correct determinant of the original matrix. Afterwards, a randomized Monte Carlo verification algorithm with one-sided error is introduced, whose superiority in designing inexpensive result verification algorithm for secure outsourcing is well demonstrated. In addition, it is analytically shown that the proposed protocol simultaneously fulfills the goals of correctness, security, robust cheating resistance, and high-efficiency. Extensive theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation also show its high-efficiency and immediate practicability. It is hoped that the proposed protocol can shed light in designing other novel secure outsourcing protocols, and inspire powerful companies and working groups to finish the programming of the demanded all-inclusive scientific computations outsourcing software system. It is believed that such software system can be profitable by means of providing large-scale scientific computation services for so many potential clients.