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Yu, Miao, Gligor, Virgil, Jia, Limin.  2021.  An I/O Separation Model for Formal Verification of Kernel Implementations. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :572–589.

Commodity I/O hardware often fails to separate I/O transfers of isolated OS and applications code. Even when using the best I/O hardware, commodity systems sometimes trade off separation assurance for increased performance. Remarkably, device firmware need not be malicious. Instead, any malicious driver, even if isolated in its own execution domain, can manipulate its device to breach I/O separation. To prevent such vulnerabilities with high assurance, a formal I/O separation model and its use in automatic generation of secure I/O kernel code is necessary.This paper presents a formal I/O separation model, which defines a separation policy based on authorization of I/O transfers and is hardware agnostic. The model, its refinement, and instantiation in the Wimpy kernel design, are formally specified and verified in Dafny. We then specify the kernel implementation and automatically generate verified-correct assembly code that enforces the I/O separation policies. Our formal modeling enables the discovery of heretofore unknown design and implementation vulnerabilities of the original Wimpy kernel. Finally, we outline how the model can be applied to other I/O kernels and conclude with the key lessons learned.

Bichhawat, Abhishek, McCall, McKenna, Jia, Limin.  2021.  Gradual Security Types and Gradual Guarantees. 2021 IEEE 34th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :1—16.
Information flow type systems enforce the security property of noninterference by detecting unauthorized data flows at compile-time. However, they require precise type annotations, making them difficult to use in practice as much of the legacy infrastructure is written in untyped or dynamically-typed languages. Gradual typing seamlessly integrates static and dynamic typing, providing the best of both approaches, and has been applied to information flow control, where information flow monitors are derived from gradual security types. Prior work on gradual information flow typing uncovered tensions between noninterference and the dynamic gradual guarantee- the property that less precise security type annotations in a program should not cause more runtime errors.This paper re-examines the connection between gradual information flow types and information flow monitors to identify the root cause of the tension between the gradual guarantees and noninterference. We develop runtime semantics for a simple imperative language with gradual information flow types that provides both noninterference and gradual guarantees. We leverage a proof technique developed for FlowML and reduce noninterference proofs to preservation proofs.
Ferreira, Gabriel, Jia, Limin, Sunshine, Joshua, Kästner, Christian.  2021.  Containing Malicious Package Updates in Npm with a Lightweight Permission System. 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :1334–1346.
The large amount of third-party packages available in fast-moving software ecosystems, such as Node.js/npm, enables attackers to compromise applications by pushing malicious updates to their package dependencies. Studying the npm repository, we observed that many packages in the npm repository that are used in Node.js applications perform only simple computations and do not need access to filesystem or network APIs. This offers the opportunity to enforce least-privilege design per package, protecting applications and package dependencies from malicious updates. We propose a lightweight permission system that protects Node.js applications by enforcing package permissions at runtime. We discuss the design space of solutions and show that our system makes a large number of packages much harder to be exploited, almost for free.
Zhang, Zichao, de Amorim, Arthur Azevedo, Jia, Limin, Pasareanu, Corina S..  2020.  Automating Compositional Analysis of Authentication Protocols. 2020 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD). :113–118.
Modern verifiers for cryptographic protocols can analyze sophisticated designs automatically, but require the entire code of the protocol to operate. Compositional techniques, by contrast, allow us to verify each system component separately, against its own guarantees and assumptions about other components and the environment. Compositionality helps protocol design because it explains how the design can evolve and when it can run safely along other protocols and programs. For example, it might say that it is safe to add some functionality to a server without having to patch the client. Unfortunately, while compositional frameworks for protocol verification do exist, they require non-trivial human effort to identify specifications for the components of the system, thus hindering their adoption. To address these shortcomings, we investigate techniques for automated, compositional analysis of authentication protocols, using automata-learning techniques to synthesize assumptions for protocol components. We report preliminary results on the Needham-Schroeder-Lowe protocol, where our synthesized assumption was capable of lowering verification time while also allowing us to verify protocol variants compositionally.