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Velez, Miguel, Jamshidi, Pooyan, Siegmund, Norbert, Apel, Sven, Kästner, Christian.  2021.  White-Box Analysis over Machine Learning: Modeling Performance of Configurable Systems. 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :1072–1084.

Performance-influence models can help stakeholders understand how and where configuration options and their interactions influence the performance of a system. With this understanding, stakeholders can debug performance behavior and make deliberate configuration decisions. Current black-box techniques to build such models combine various sampling and learning strategies, resulting in tradeoffs between measurement effort, accuracy, and interpretability. We present Comprex, a white-box approach to build performance-influence models for configurable systems, combining insights of local measurements, dynamic taint analysis to track options in the implementation, compositionality, and compression of the configuration space, without relying on machine learning to extrapolate incomplete samples. Our evaluation on 4 widely-used, open-source projects demonstrates that Comprex builds similarly accurate performance-influence models to the most accurate and expensive black-box approach, but at a reduced cost and with additional benefits from interpretable and local models.

Ferreira, Gabriel, Jia, Limin, Sunshine, Joshua, Kästner, Christian.  2021.  Containing Malicious Package Updates in Npm with a Lightweight Permission System. 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :1334–1346.
The large amount of third-party packages available in fast-moving software ecosystems, such as Node.js/npm, enables attackers to compromise applications by pushing malicious updates to their package dependencies. Studying the npm repository, we observed that many packages in the npm repository that are used in Node.js applications perform only simple computations and do not need access to filesystem or network APIs. This offers the opportunity to enforce least-privilege design per package, protecting applications and package dependencies from malicious updates. We propose a lightweight permission system that protects Node.js applications by enforcing package permissions at runtime. We discuss the design space of solutions and show that our system makes a large number of packages much harder to be exploited, almost for free.
Widder, David Gray, Hilton, Michael, Kästner, Christian, Vasilescu, Bogdan.  2018.  I'm Leaving You, Travis: A Continuous Integration Breakup Story. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories. :165–169.

Continuous Integration (CI) services, which can automatically build, test, and deploy software projects, are an invaluable asset in distributed teams, increasing productivity and helping to maintain code quality. Prior work has shown that CI pipelines can be sophisticated, and choosing and configuring a CI system involves tradeoffs. As CI technology matures, new CI tool offerings arise to meet the distinct wants and needs of software teams, as they negotiate a path through these tradeoffs, depending on their context. In this paper, we begin to uncover these nuances, and tell the story of open-source projects falling out of love with Travis, the earliest and most popular cloud-based CI system. Using logistic regression, we quantify the effects that open-source community factors and project technical factors have on the rate of Travis abandonment. We find that increased build complexity reduces the chances of abandonment, that larger projects abandon at higher rates, and that a project's dominant language has significant but varying effects. Finally, we find the surprising result that metrics of configuration attempts and knowledge dispersion in the project do not affect the rate of abandonment.

Ferreira, Gabriel, Malik, Momin, Kästner, Christian, Pfeffer, Jürgen, Apel, Sven.  2016.  Do İfdefs Influence the Occurrence of Vulnerabilities? An Empirical Study of the Linux Kernel Proceedings of the 20th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference. :65–73.

Preprocessors support the diversification of software products with \#ifdefs, but also require additional effort from developers to maintain and understand variable code. We conjecture that \#ifdefs cause developers to produce more vulnerable code because they are required to reason about multiple features simultaneously and maintain complex mental models of dependencies of configurable code. We extracted a variational call graph across all configurations of the Linux kernel, and used configuration complexity metrics to compare vulnerable and non-vulnerable functions considering their vulnerability history. Our goal was to learn about whether we can observe a measurable influence of configuration complexity on the occurrence of vulnerabilities. Our results suggest, among others, that vulnerable functions have higher variability than non-vulnerable ones and are also constrained by fewer configuration options. This suggests that developers are inclined to notice functions appear in frequently-compiled product variants. We aim to raise developers' awareness to address variability more systematically, since configuration complexity is an important, but often ignored aspect of software product lines.

Ferreira, Gabriel, Malik, Momin, Kästner, Christian, Pfeffer, Jürgen, Apel, Sven.  2016.  Do İfdefs Influence the Occurrence of Vulnerabilities? An Empirical Study of the Linux Kernel Proceedings of the 20th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference. :65–73.

Preprocessors support the diversification of software products with \#ifdefs, but also require additional effort from developers to maintain and understand variable code. We conjecture that \#ifdefs cause developers to produce more vulnerable code because they are required to reason about multiple features simultaneously and maintain complex mental models of dependencies of configurable code. We extracted a variational call graph across all configurations of the Linux kernel, and used configuration complexity metrics to compare vulnerable and non-vulnerable functions considering their vulnerability history. Our goal was to learn about whether we can observe a measurable influence of configuration complexity on the occurrence of vulnerabilities. Our results suggest, among others, that vulnerable functions have higher variability than non-vulnerable ones and are also constrained by fewer configuration options. This suggests that developers are inclined to notice functions appear in frequently-compiled product variants. We aim to raise developers' awareness to address variability more systematically, since configuration complexity is an important, but often ignored aspect of software product lines.

Meinicke, Jens, Wong, Chu-Pan, Kästner, Christian, Thüm, Thomas, Saake, Gunter.  2016.  On Essential Configuration Complexity: Measuring Interactions in Highly-configurable Systems. Proceedings of the 31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. :483–494.

Quality assurance for highly-configurable systems is challenging due to the exponentially growing configuration space. Interactions among multiple options can lead to surprising behaviors, bugs, and security vulnerabilities. Analyzing all configurations systematically might be possible though if most options do not interact or interactions follow specific patterns that can be exploited by analysis tools. To better understand interactions in practice, we analyze program traces to characterize and identify where interactions occur on control flow and data. To this end, we developed a dynamic analysis for Java based on variability-aware execution and monitor executions of multiple small to medium-sized programs. We find that the essential configuration complexity of these programs is indeed much lower than the combinatorial explosion of the configuration space indicates. However, we also discover that the interaction characteristics that allow scalable and complete analyses are more nuanced than what is exploited by existing state-of-the-art quality assurance strategies.

Kästner, Christian, Pfeffer, Jürgen.  2014.  Limiting Recertification in Highly Configurable Systems: Analyzing Interactions and Isolation Among Configuration Options. Proceedings of the 2014 Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security. :23:1–23:2.

In highly configurable systems the configuration space is too big for (re-)certifying every configuration in isolation. In this project, we combine software analysis with network analysis to detect which configuration options interact and which have local effects. Instead of analyzing a system as Linux and SELinux for every combination of configuration settings one by one (>102000 even considering compile-time configurations only), we analyze the effect of each configuration option once for the entire configuration space. The analysis will guide us to designs separating interacting configuration options in a core system and isolating orthogonal and less trusted configuration options from this core.