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Meinicke, Jens, Wong, Chu-Pan, Kästner, Christian, Thüm, Thomas, Saake, Gunter.  2016.  On Essential Configuration Complexity: Measuring Interactions in Highly-configurable Systems. Proceedings of the 31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. :483–494.

Quality assurance for highly-configurable systems is challenging due to the exponentially growing configuration space. Interactions among multiple options can lead to surprising behaviors, bugs, and security vulnerabilities. Analyzing all configurations systematically might be possible though if most options do not interact or interactions follow specific patterns that can be exploited by analysis tools. To better understand interactions in practice, we analyze program traces to characterize and identify where interactions occur on control flow and data. To this end, we developed a dynamic analysis for Java based on variability-aware execution and monitor executions of multiple small to medium-sized programs. We find that the essential configuration complexity of these programs is indeed much lower than the combinatorial explosion of the configuration space indicates. However, we also discover that the interaction characteristics that allow scalable and complete analyses are more nuanced than what is exploited by existing state-of-the-art quality assurance strategies.

Kowal, Matthias, Ananieva, Sofia, Thüm, Thomas.  2016.  Explaining Anomalies in Feature Models. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences. :132–143.

The development of variable software, in general, and feature models, in particular, is an error-prone and time-consuming task. It gets increasingly more challenging with industrial-size models containing hundreds or thousands of features and constraints. Each change may lead to anomalies in the feature model such as making some features impossible to select. While the detection of anomalies is well-researched, giving explanations is still a challenge. Explanations must be as accurate and understandable as possible to support the developer in repairing the source of an error. We propose an efficient and generic algorithm for explaining different anomalies in feature models. Additionally, we achieve a benefit for the developer by computing short explanations expressed in a user-friendly manner and by emphasizing specific parts in explanations that are more likely to be the cause of an anomaly. We provide an open-source implementation in FeatureIDE and show its scalability for industrial-size feature models.

Thüm, Thomas, Leich, Thomas, Krieter, Sebastian.  2016.  Clean Your Variable Code with featureIDE. Proceedings of the 20th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference. :308–308.

FeatureIDE is an open-source framework to model, develop, and analyze feature-oriented software product lines. It is mainly developed in a cooperation between University of Magdeburg and Metop GmbH. Nevertheless, many other institutions contributed to it in the past decade. Goal of this tutorial is to illustrate how FeatureIDE can be used to clean variable code, whereas we will focus on dependencies in feature models and on variability implemented with preprocessors. The hands-on tutorial will be highly interactive and is devoted to practitioners facing problems with variability, lecturers teaching product lines, and researchers who want to safe resources in building product line tools.