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Lee, Y., Woo, S., Song, Y., Lee, J., Lee, D. H..  2020.  Practical Vulnerability-Information-Sharing Architecture for Automotive Security-Risk Analysis. IEEE Access. 8:120009—120018.
Emerging trends that are shaping the future of the automotive industry include electrification, autonomous driving, sharing, and connectivity, and these trends keep changing annually. Thus, the automotive industry is shifting from mechanical devices to electronic control devices, and is not moving to Internet of Things devices connected to 5G networks. Owing to the convergence of automobile-information and communication technology (ICT), the safety and convenience features of automobiles have improved significantly. However, cyberattacks that occur in the existing ICT environment and can occur in the upcoming 5G network are being replicated in the automobile environment. In a hyper-connected society where 5G networks are commercially available, automotive security is extremely important, as vehicles become the center of vehicle to everything (V2X) communication connected to everything around them. Designing, developing, and deploying information security techniques for vehicles require a systematic security-risk-assessment and management process throughout the vehicle's lifecycle. To do this, a security risk analysis (SRA) must be performed, which requires an analysis of cyber threats on automotive vehicles. In this study, we introduce a cyber kill chain-based cyberattack analysis method to create a formal vulnerability-analysis system. We can also analyze car-hacking studies that were conducted on real cars to identify the characteristics of the attack stages of existing car-hacking techniques and propose the minimum but essential measures for defense. Finally, we propose an automotive common-vulnerabilities-and-exposure system to manage and share evolving vehicle-related cyberattacks, threats, and vulnerabilities.
Moon, J., Lee, Y., Yang, H., Song, T., Won, D..  2018.  Cryptanalysis of a privacy-preserving and provable user authentication scheme for wireless sensor networks based on Internet of Things security. 2018 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :432–437.
User authentication in wireless sensor networks is more complex than normal networks due to sensor network characteristics such as unmanned operation, limited resources, and unreliable communication. For this reason, various authentication protocols have been presented to provide secure and efficient communication. In 2017, Wu et al. presented a provable and privacy-preserving user authentication protocol for wireless sensor networks. Unfortunately, we found that Wu et al.'s protocol was still vulnerable against user impersonation attack, and had a problem in the password change phase. We show how an attacker can impersonate an other user and why the password change phase is ineffective.
Kim, S., Jin, S., Lee, Y., Park, B., Kim, H., Hong, S..  2018.  Single Trace Side Channel Analysis on Quantum Key Distribution. 2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :736–739.

The security of current key exchange protocols such as Diffie-Hellman key exchange is based on the hardness of number theoretic problems. However, these key exchange protocols are threatened by weak random number generators, advances to CPU power, a new attack from the eavesdropper, and the emergence of a quantum computer. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) addresses these challenges by using quantum properties to exchange a secret key without the risk of being intercepted. Recent developments on the QKD system resulted in a stable key generation with fewer errors so that the QKD system is rapidly becoming a solid commercial proposition. However, although the security of the QKD system is guaranteed by quantum physics, its careless implementation could make the system vulnerable. In this paper, we proposed the first side-channel attack on plug-and-play QKD system. Through a single electromagnetic trace obtained from the phase modulator on Alice's side, we were able to classify the electromagnetic trace into four classes, which corresponds to the number of bit and basis combination in the BB84 protocol. We concluded that the plug-and-play QKD system is vulnerable to side-channel attack so that the countermeasure must be considered.

Kumbhar, S. S., Lee, Y., Yang, J..  2018.  Hybrid Encryption for Securing SharedPreferences of Android Applications. 2018 1st International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS). :246–249.

Most mobile applications generate local data on internal memory with SharedPreference interface of an Android operating system. Therefore, many possible loopholes can access the confidential information such as passwords. We propose a hybrid encryption approach for SharedPreferences to protect the leaking confidential information through the source code. We develop an Android application and store some data using SharedPreference. We produce different experiments with which this data could be accessed. We apply Hybrid encryption approach combining encryption approach with Android Keystore system, for providing better encryption algorithm to hide sensitive data.

Lee, Y., Choi, S. S., Choi, J., Song, J..  2017.  A Lightweight Malware Classification Method Based on Detection Results of Anti-Virus Software. 2017 12th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS). :5–9.

With the development of cyber threats on the Internet, the number of malware, especially unknown malware, is also dramatically increasing. Since all of malware cannot be analyzed by analysts, it is very important to find out new malware that should be analyzed by them. In order to cope with this issue, the existing approaches focused on malware classification using static or dynamic analysis results of malware. However, the static and the dynamic analyses themselves are also too costly and not easy to build the isolated, secure and Internet-like analysis environments such as sandbox. In this paper, we propose a lightweight malware classification method based on detection results of anti-virus software. Since the proposed method can reduce the volume of malware that should be analyzed by analysts, it can be used as a preprocess for in-depth analysis of malware. The experimental showed that the proposed method succeeded in classification of 1,000 malware samples into 187 unique groups. This means that 81% of the original malware samples do not need to analyze by analysts.

Bruce, N., Kim, H., Kang, Y., Lee, Y., Lee, H..  2015.  On Modeling Protocol-Based Clustering Tag in RFID Systems with Formal Security Analysis. 2015 IEEE 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications. :498–505.

This paper presents an efficiency and adaptive cryptographic protocol to ensure users' privacy and data integrity in RFID system. Radio Frequency Identification technology offers more intelligent systems and applications, but privacy and security issues have to be addressed before and after its adoption. The design of the proposed model is based on clustering configuration of the involved tags where they interchange the data with the reader whenever it sends a request. This scheme provides a strong mutual authentication framework that suits for real heterogeneous RFID applications such as in supply-chain management systems, healthcare monitoring and industrial environment. In addition, we contribute with a mathematical analysis to the delay analysis and optimization in a clustering topology tag-based. Finally, a formal security and proof analysis is demonstrated to prove the effectiveness of the proposed protocol and that achieves security and privacy.