Blockchain may have a potential to prove its value for the new US FDA regulatory requirements defined in the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) as innovative solutions are needed to support the highly complex pharmaceutical industry supply chain as it seeks to comply. In this paper, we examine how blockchain can be applied to meet with the security compliance requirement for the pharmaceutical supply chain. We explore the online playground of Hyperledger Composer, a set of tools for building blockchain business networks, to model the data and access control rules for the drug supply chain. Our experiment shows that this solution can provide a prototyping opportunity for compliance checking with certain limitations.
While the number of mobile applications are rapidly growing, these applications are often coming with numerous security flaws due to the lack of appropriate coding practices. Security issues must be addressed earlier in the development lifecycle rather than fixing them after the attacks because the damage might already be extensive. Early elimination of possible security vulnerabilities will help us increase the security of our software and mitigate or reduce the potential damages through data losses or service disruptions caused by malicious attacks. However, many software developers lack necessary security knowledge and skills required at the development stage, and Secure Mobile Software Development (SMSD) is not yet well represented in academia and industry. In this paper, we present a static analysis-based security analysis approach through design and implementation of a plugin for Android Development Studio, namely DroidPatrol. The proposed plugins can support developers by providing list of potential vulnerabilities early.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on web applications have been a persistent threat. Existing approaches for mitigating application layer DDoS attacks have limitations such low detection rate and inability to detect attacks targeting resource files. In this work, we propose Application layer DDoS (App-DDoS) attack detection framework by leveraging the concepts of Term Frequency (TF)-Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). The approach involves analyzing web server logs to identify popular pages using TF-IDF; building normal resource access profile; generating query of accessed resources; and applying LSI technique to determine the similarity between a given session and known good sessions. A high-level of dissimilarity triggers a DDoS attack warning. We apply the proposed approach to traffics generated from three PHP applications. The initial results suggest that the proposed approach can identify ongoing DDoS attacks against web applications.
Object Injection Vulnerability (OIV) is an emerging threat for web applications. It involves accepting external inputs during deserialization operation and use the inputs for sensitive operations such as file access, modification, and deletion. The challenge is the automation of the detection process. When the application size is large, it becomes hard to perform traditional approaches such as data flow analysis. Recent approaches fall short of narrowing down the list of source files to aid developers in discovering OIV and the flexibility to check for the presence of OIV through various known APIs. In this work, we address these limitations by exploring a concept borrowed from the information retrieval domain called Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to discover OIV. The approach analyzes application source code and builds an initial term document matrix which is then transformed systematically using singular value decomposition to reduce the search space. The approach identifies a small set of documents (source files) that are likely responsible for OIVs. We apply the LSI concept to three open source PHP applications that have been reported to contain OIVs. Our initial evaluation results suggest that the proposed LSI-based approach can identify OIVs and identify new vulnerabilities.