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Gupta, K., Hajika, R., Pai, Y. S., Duenser, A., Lochner, M., Billinghurst, M..  2020.  Measuring Human Trust in a Virtual Assistant using Physiological Sensing in Virtual Reality. 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). :756–765.
With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence technology to make smart devices, understanding how humans develop trust in virtual agents is emerging as a critical research field. Through our research, we report on a novel methodology to investigate user's trust in auditory assistance in a Virtual Reality (VR) based search task, under both high and low cognitive load and under varying levels of agent accuracy. We collected physiological sensor data such as electroencephalography (EEG), galvanic skin response (GSR), and heart-rate variability (HRV), subjective data through questionnaire such as System Trust Scale (STS), Subjective Mental Effort Questionnaire (SMEQ) and NASA-TLX. We also collected a behavioral measure of trust (congruency of users' head motion in response to valid/ invalid verbal advice from the agent). Our results indicate that our custom VR environment enables researchers to measure and understand human trust in virtual agents using the matrices, and both cognitive load and agent accuracy play an important role in trust formation. We discuss the implications of the research and directions for future work.
Kumar, S., Johari, R., Singh, L., Gupta, K..  2017.  SCLCT: Secured cross language cipher technique. 2017 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA). :545–550.

Cryptography is the fascinating science that deals with constructing and destructing the secret codes. The evolving digitization in this modern era possesses cryptography as one of its backbones to perform the transactions with confidentiality and security wherever the authentication is required. With the modern technology that has evolved, the use of codes has exploded, enriching cryptology and empowering citizens. One of the most important things that encryption provides anyone using any kind of computing device is `privacy'. There is no way to have true privacy with strong security, the method with which we are dealing with is to make the cipher text more robust to be by-passed. In current work, the well known and renowned Caesar cipher and Rail fence cipher techniques are combined with a cross language cipher technique and the detailed comparative analysis amongst them is carried out. The simulations have been carried out on Eclipse Juno version IDE for executions and Java, an open source language has been used to implement these said techniques.

Gupta, K., Shukla, S..  2016.  Internet of Things: Security challenges for next generation networks. 2016 International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS-INBUSH). :315–318.

Internet of Things(IoT) is the next big boom in the networking field. The vision of IoT is to connect daily used objects (which have the ability of sensing and actuation) to the Internet. This may or may or may not involve human. IoT field is still maturing and has many open issues. We build up on the security issues. As the devices have low computational power and low memory the existing security mechanisms (which are a necessity) should also be optimized accordingly or a clean slate approach needs to be followed. This is a survey paper to focus on the security aspects of IoT. We further also discuss the open challenges in this field.