When relying on public key infrastructure (PKI) for authentication, whether a party can be trusted primarily depends on its certificate status. Bob's certificate status can be retrieved by Alice through her interaction with Certificate Authority (CA) in the PKI. More specifically, Alice can download Certificate Revocation List (CRL) and then check whether the serial number of the Bob's certificate appears in this list. If not found, Alice knows that Bob can be trusted. Once downloaded, a CRL can be used offline for arbitrary many times till it expires, which saves the bandwidth to an extreme. However, if the number of revoked certificates becomes too large, the size of the CRL will exceed the RAM of Alice's device. This conflict between bandwidth and RAM consumption becomes even more challenging for the Internet-of-Things (IoT), since the IoT end-devices is usually constrained by both factors. To solve this problem in PKI-based authentication in IoT, we proposed two novel lightweight CRL protocols with maximum flexibility tailored for constrained IoT end-devices. The first one is based on generalized Merkle hash tree and the second is based on Bloom filter. We also provided quantitative theorems for CRL parameter configuration, which help strike perfect balance among bandwidth, RAM usage and security in various practical IoT scenarios. Furthermore, we thoroughly evaluated the proposed CRL protocols and exhibited their outstanding efficiency in terms of RAM and bandwidth consumption. In addition, our formal treatment of the security of a CRL protocol can also be of independent interest.
It is well-known that online services resort to various cookies to track users through users' online service identifiers (IDs) - in other words, when users access online services, various "fingerprints" are left behind in the cyberspace. As they roam around in the physical world while accessing online services via mobile devices, users also leave a series of "footprints" – i.e., hints about their physical locations - in the physical world. This poses a potent new threat to user privacy: one can potentially correlate the "fingerprints" left by the users in the cyberspace with "footprints" left in the physical world to infer and reveal leakage of user physical world privacy, such as frequent user locations or mobility trajectories in the physical world - we refer to this problem as user physical world privacy leakage via user cyberspace privacy leakage. In this paper we address the following fundamental question: what kind - and how much - of user physical world privacy might be leaked if we could get hold of such diverse network datasets even without any physical location information. In order to conduct an in-depth investigation of these questions, we utilize the network data collected via a DPI system at the routers within one of the largest Internet operator in Shanghai, China over a duration of one month. We decompose the fundamental question into the three problems: i) linkage of various online user IDs belonging to the same person via mobility pattern mining; ii) physical location classification via aggregate user mobility patterns over time; and iii) tracking user physical mobility. By developing novel and effective methods for solving each of these problems, we demonstrate that the question of user physical world privacy leakage via user cyberspace privacy leakage is not hypothetical, but indeed poses a real potent threat to user privacy.
The exploitation of the opportunistic infrastructure via Device-to-Device (D2D) communication is a critical component towards the adoption of new paradigms such as edge and fog computing. While a lot of work has demonstrated the great potential of D2D communication, it is still unclear whether the benefits of the D2D approach can really be leveraged in practice. In this paper, we develop a software sensor, namely Detector, which senses the infrastructure in proximity of a mobile user. We analyze and evaluate D2D on the wild, i.e., not in simulations. We found that in a realistic environment, a mobile is always co-located in proximity to at least one other mobile device throughout the day. This suggests that a device can schedule tasks processing in coordination with other devices, potentially more powerful, instead of handling the processing of the tasks by itself.