
Filters: Author is Wang, Qian  [Clear All Filters]
Jiang, Xiping, Wang, Qian, Du, Mingming, Ding, Yilin, Hao, Jian, Li, Ying, Liu, Qingsong.  2022.  Research on GIS Isolating Switch Mechanical Fault Diagnosis based on Cross-Validation Parameter Optimization Support Vector Machine. 2022 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Applications (ICHVE). :1—4.
GIS equipment is an important component of power system, and mechanical failure often occurs in the process of equipment operation. In order to realize GIS equipment mechanical fault intelligent detection, this paper presents a mechanical fault diagnosis model for GIS equipment based on cross-validation parameter optimization support vector machine (CV-SVM). Firstly, vibration experiment of isolating switch was carried out based on true 110 kV GIS vibration simulation experiment platform. Vibration signals were sampled under three conditions: normal, plum finger angle change fault, plum finger abrasion fault. Then, the c and G parameters of SVM are optimized by cross validation method and grid search method. A CV-SVM model for mechanical fault diagnosis was established. Finally, training and verification are carried out by using the training set and test set models in different states. The results show that the optimization of cross-validation parameters can effectively improve the accuracy of SVM classification model. It can realize the accurate identification of GIS equipment mechanical fault. This method has higher diagnostic efficiency and performance stability than traditional machine learning. This study can provide reference for on-line monitoring and intelligent fault diagnosis analysis of GIS equipment mechanical vibration.
Zhan, Yike, Zheng, Baolin, Wang, Qian, Mou, Ningping, Guo, Binqing, Li, Qi, Shen, Chao, Wang, Cong.  2022.  Towards Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on Interpretable Deep Learning Systems. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). :1–6.
Recent works have empirically shown that neural network interpretability is susceptible to malicious manipulations. However, existing attacks against Interpretable Deep Learning Systems (IDLSes) all focus on the white-box setting, which is obviously unpractical in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we make the first attempt to attack IDLSes in the decision-based black-box setting. We propose a new framework called Dual Black-box Adversarial Attack (DBAA) which can generate adversarial examples that are misclassified as the target class, yet have very similar interpretations to their benign cases. We conduct comprehensive experiments on different combinations of classifiers and interpreters to illustrate the effectiveness of DBAA. Empirical results show that in all the cases, DBAA achieves high attack success rates and Intersection over Union (IoU) scores.
Zhang, Guoying, Xu, Yongchao, Hou, Yushuo, Cui, Lu, Wang, Qian.  2022.  Cyber-security risk management and control of electric power enterprise key information infrastructure. ICETIS 2022; 7th International Conference on Electronic Technology and Information Science. :1—6.
Under the new situation of China's new infrastructure and digital transformation and upgrading, large IT companies such as the United States occupy the market of key information infrastructure components in important fields such as power and energy in China, which makes the risk of key information infrastructure in China's power enterprises become more and more prominent. In the power Internet of Things environment where everything is connected, the back doors and loopholes of basic software and hardware caused by the supply chain risks of key information infrastructure have broken through the foundation of power cyber-security and information security defense, and the security risk management of power key information infrastructure cyber-security has become urgent. Therefore, this paper studies the construction of the cyber-security management framework of key information infrastructure suitable for electric power enterprises, and defines the security risk assessment norms of each link of equipment access to the network. Implement the national cyber-security requirements, promote the cyber-security risk controllable assessment service of key information infrastructure, improve the security protection level of power grid information system from the source, and promote the construction and improvement of the network and information security system of power industry.
Zhou, Man, Wang, Qian, Yang, Jingxiao, Li, Qi, Xiao, Feng, Wang, Zhibo, Chen, Xiaofeng.  2018.  PatternListener: Cracking Android Pattern Lock Using Acoustic Signals. Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1775-1787.

Pattern lock has been widely used for authentication to protect user privacy on mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets). Several attacks have been constructed to crack the lock. However, these approaches require the attackers to be either physically close to the target device or able to manipulate the network facilities (e.g., wifi hotspots) used by the victims. Therefore, the effectiveness of the attacks is highly sensitive to the setting of the environment where the users use the mobile devices. Also, these attacks are not scalable since they cannot easily infer patterns of a large number of users. Motivated by an observation that fingertip motions on the screen of a mobile device can be captured by analyzing surrounding acoustic signals on it, we propose PatternListener, a novel acoustic attack that cracks pattern lock by leveraging and analyzing imperceptible acoustic signals reflected by the fingertip. It leverages speakers and microphones of the victim's device to play imperceptible audio and record the acoustic signals reflected from the fingertip. In particular, it infers each unlock pattern by analyzing individual lines that are the trajectories of the fingertip and composed of the pattern. We propose several algorithms to construct signal segments for each line and infer possible candidates of each individual line according to the signal segments. Finally, we produce a tree to map all line candidates into grid patterns and thereby obtain the candidates of the entire unlock pattern. We implement a PatternListener prototype by using off-the-shelf smartphones and thoroughly evaluate it using 130 unique patterns. The real experimental results demonstrate that PatternListener can successfully exploit over 90% patterns in five attempts.

Lu, Zhaojun, Wang, Qian, Qu, Gang, Liu, Zhenglin.  2018.  BARS: A Blockchain-Based Anonymous Reputation System for Trust Management in VANETs. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :98–103.
The public key infrastructure (PKI) based authentication protocol provides the basic security services for vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). However, trust and privacy are still open issues due to the unique characteristics of vehicles. It is crucial for VANETs to prevent internal vehicles from broadcasting forged messages while simultaneously protecting the privacy of each vehicle against tracking attacks. In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based anonymous reputation system (BARS) to break the linkability between real identities and public keys to preserve privacy. The certificate and revocation transparency is implemented efficiently using two blockchains. We design a trust model to improve the trustworthiness of messages relying on the reputation of the sender based on both direct historical interactions and indirect opinions about the sender. Experiments are conducted to evaluate BARS in terms of security and performance and the results show that BARS is able to establish distributed trust management, while protecting the privacy of vehicles.
Wang, Qian, Gao, Mingze, Qu, Gang.  2018.  A Machine Learning Attack Resistant Dual-Mode PUF. Proceedings of the 2018 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI. :177-182.

Silicon Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) is arguably the most promising hardware security primitive. In particular, PUFs that are capable of generating a large amount of challenge response pairs (CRPs) can be used in many security applications. However, these CRPs can also be exploited by machine learning attacks to model the PUF and predict its response. In this paper, we first show that, based on data in the public domain, two popular PUFs that can generate CRPs (i.e., arbiter PUF and reconfigurable ring oscillator (RO) PUF) can be broken by simple logistic regression (LR) attack with about 99% accuracy. We then propose a feedback structure to XOR the PUF response with the challenge and challenge the PUF again to generate the response. Results show that this successfully reduces LR's learning accuracy to the lower 50%, but artificial neural network (ANN) learning attack still has an 80% success rate. Therefore, we propose a configurable ring oscillator based dual-mode PUF which works with both odd number of inverters (like the reconfigurable RO PUF) and even number of inverters (like a bistable ring (BR) PUF). Since currently there are no known attacks that can model both RO PUF and BR PUF, the dual-mode PUF will be resistant to modeling attacks as long as we can hide its working mode from the attackers, which we achieve with two practical methods. Finally, we implement the proposed dual-mode PUF on Nexys 4 FPGA boards and collect real measurement to show that it reduces the learning accuracy of LR and ANN to the mid-50% and low 60%, respectively. In addition, it meets the PUF requirements of uniqueness, randomness, and robustness.

Wang, Qian, Wang, Jingjun, Hu, Shengshan, Zou, Qin, Ren, Kui.  2016.  SecHOG: Privacy-Preserving Outsourcing Computation of Histogram of Oriented Gradients in the Cloud. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :257–268.

Abundant multimedia data generated in our daily life has intrigued a variety of very important and useful real-world applications such as object detection and recognition etc. Accompany with these applications, many popular feature descriptors have been developed, e.g., SIFT, SURF and HOG. Manipulating massive multimedia data locally, however, is a storage and computation intensive task, especially for resource-constrained clients. In this work, we focus on exploring how to securely outsource the famous feature extraction algorithm–Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) to untrusted cloud servers, without revealing the data owner's private information. For the first time, we investigate this secure outsourcing computation problem under two different models and accordingly propose two novel privacy-preserving HOG outsourcing protocols, by efficiently encrypting image data by somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) integrated with single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD), designing a new batched secure comparison protocol, and carefully redesigning every step of HOG to adapt it to the ciphertext domain. Explicit Security and effectiveness analysis are presented to show that our protocols are practically-secure and can approximate well the performance of the original HOG executed in the plaintext domain. Our extensive experimental evaluations further demonstrate that our solutions achieve high efficiency and perform comparably to the original HOG when being applied to human detection.