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Abdelzaher, T., Ayanian, N., Basar, T., Diggavi, S., Diesner, J., Ganesan, D., Govindan, R., Jha, S., Lepoint, T., Marlin, B. et al..  2018.  Toward an Internet of Battlefield Things: A Resilience Perspective. Computer. 51:24—36.

The Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) might be one of the most expensive cyber-physical systems of the next decade, yet much research remains to develop its fundamental enablers. A challenge that distinguishes the IoBT from its civilian counterparts is resilience to a much larger spectrum of threats.

Showkatbakhsh, M., Shoukry, Y., Chen, R. H., Diggavi, S., Tabuada, P..  2017.  An SMT-Based Approach to Secure State Estimation under Sensor and Actuator Attacks. 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). :157–162.

This paper addresses the problem of state estimation of a linear time-invariant system when some of the sensors or/and actuators are under adversarial attack. In our set-up, the adversarial agent attacks a sensor (actuator) by manipulating its measurement (input), and we impose no constraint on how the measurements (inputs) are corrupted. We introduce the notion of ``sparse strong observability'' to characterize systems for which the state estimation is possible, given bounds on the number of attacked sensors and actuators. Furthermore, we develop a secure state estimator based on Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) solvers.

Fawzi, H., Tabuada, P., Diggavi, S..  2014.  Secure Estimation and Control for Cyber-Physical Systems Under Adversarial Attacks. Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on. 59:1454-1467.

The vast majority of today's critical infrastructure is supported by numerous feedback control loops and an attack on these control loops can have disastrous consequences. This is a major concern since modern control systems are becoming large and decentralized and thus more vulnerable to attacks. This paper is concerned with the estimation and control of linear systems when some of the sensors or actuators are corrupted by an attacker. We give a new simple characterization of the maximum number of attacks that can be detected and corrected as a function of the pair (A,C) of the system and we show in particular that it is impossible to accurately reconstruct the state of a system if more than half the sensors are attacked. In addition, we show how the design of a secure local control loop can improve the resilience of the system. When the number of attacks is smaller than a threshold, we propose an efficient algorithm inspired from techniques in compressed sensing to estimate the state of the plant despite attacks. We give a theoretical characterization of the performance of this algorithm and we show on numerical simulations that the method is promising and allows to reconstruct the state accurately despite attacks. Finally, we consider the problem of designing output-feedback controllers that stabilize the system despite sensor attacks. We show that a principle of separation between estimation and control holds and that the design of resilient output feedback controllers can be reduced to the design of resilient state estimators.