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Brighten Godfrey, University of Illions at Urbana-Champagin, Anduo Wang, Temple University, Dong Jin, Illinois Institute of Technology, Jason Croft, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Matthew Caesar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2015.  A Hypothesis Testing Framework for Network Security.

We rely on network infrastructure to deliver critical services and ensure security. Yet networks today have reached a level of complexity that is far beyond our ability to have confidence in their correct behavior – resulting in significant time investment and security vulnerabilities that can cost millions of dollars, or worse. Motivated by this need for rigorous understanding of complex networks, I will give an overview of our or Science of Security lablet project, A Hypothesis Testing Framework for Network Security.

First, I will discuss the emerging field of network verification, which transforms network security by rigorously checking that intended behavior is correctly realized across the live running network. Our research developed a technique called data plane verification, which has discovered problems in operational environments and can verify hypotheses and security policies with millisecond-level latency in dynamic networks. In just a few years, data plane verification has moved from early research prototypes to production deployment. We have built on this technique to reason about hypotheses even under the temporal uncertainty inherent in a large distributed network. Second, I will discuss a new approach to reasoning about networks as databases that we can query to determine answers to behavioral questions and to actively control the network. This talk will span work by a large group of folks, including Anduo Wang, Wenxu an Zhou, Dong Jin, Jason Croft, Matthew Caesar, Ahmed Khurshid, and Xuan Zou.

Presented at the Illinois ITI Joint Trust and Security/Science of Security Seminar, September 15, 2015.

John C. Mace, Newcastle University, Charles Morisset, Newcastle University, Aad Van Moorsel, Newcastle University.  2015.  Impact of Policy Design on Workflow Resiliency Computation Time. Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2015).

Workflows are complex operational processes that include security constraints restricting which users can perform which tasks. An improper user-task assignment may prevent the completion of the work- flow, and deciding such an assignment at runtime is known to be complex, especially when considering user unavailability (known as the resiliency problem). Therefore, design tools are required that allow fast evaluation of workflow resiliency. In this paper, we propose a methodology for work- flow designers to assess the impact of the security policy on computing the resiliency of a workflow. Our approach relies on encoding a work- flow into the probabilistic model-checker PRISM, allowing its resiliency to be evaluated by solving a Markov Decision Process. We observe and illustrate that adding or removing some constraints has a clear impact on the resiliency computation time, and we compute the set of security constraints that can be artificially added to a security policy in order to reduce the computation time while maintaining the resiliency.

Ning Liu, Illinois Institute of Technology, Xian-He Sun, Illinois Institute of Technology, Dong Jin, Illinois Institute of Technology.  2015.  On Massively Parallel Simulation of Large-Scale Fat-Tree Networks for HPC Systems and Data Centers (poster). ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation.

Best Poster Award, ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, London, UK, June 10-12, 2015.

Vijay Kothari, Dartmouth College, Jim Blythe, University of Southern California, Ross Koppel, University of Pennsylvania, Sean Smith, Dartmouth College.  2015.  Measuring the Security Impacts of Password Policies Using Cognitive Behavioral Agent Based Modeling. Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS).

Agent-based modeling can serve as a valuable asset to security personnel who wish to better understand the security landscape within their organization, especially as it relates to user behavior and circumvention. In this paper, we ar- gue in favor of cognitive behavioral agent-based modeling for usable security, report on our work on developing an agent- based model for a password management scenario, perform a sensitivity analysis, which provides us with valuable insights into improving security (e.g., an organization that wishes to suppress one form of circumvention may want to endorse another), and provide directions for future work.

Jun Moon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Tamer Başar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2015.  Minimax Control Over Unreliable Communication Channels. Automatica. 59(1)

In this paper, we consider a minimax control problem for linear time-invariant (LTI) systems over unreliable communication channels. This can be viewed as an extension of the H optimal control problem, where the transmission from the plant output sensors to the controller, and from the controller to the plant are over sporadically failing channels. We consider two different scenarios for unreliable communication. The first one is where the communication channel provides perfect acknowledgments of successful transmissions of control packets through a clean reverse channel, that is the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). Under this setting, we obtain a class of output feedback minimax controllers; we identify a set of explicit threshold-type existence conditions in terms of the H disturbance attenuation parameter and the packet loss rates that guarantee stability and performance of the closed-loop system. The second scenario is one where there is no acknowledgment of successful transmissions of control packets, that is the UDP (User Datagram Protocol). We consider a special case of this problem where there is no measurement noise in the transmission from the sensors. For this problem, we obtain a class of corresponding minimax controllers by characterizing a set of (different) existence conditions. We also discuss stability and performance of the closed-loop system. We provide simulations to illustrate the results in all cases.

Sean Smith, Dartmouth College, Ross Koppel, University of Pennsylvania, Jim Blythe, University of Southern California, Vijay Kothari, Dartmouth College.  2015.  Mismorphism: A Semiotic Model of Computer Security Circumvention.

In real world domains, from healthcare to power to finance, we deploy computer systems intended to streamline and improve the activities of human agents in the corresponding non-cyber worlds. However, talking to actual users (instead of just computer security experts) reveals endemic circumvention of the computer-embedded rules. Good-intentioned users, trying to get their jobs done, systematically work around security and other controls embedded in their IT systems.

This paper reports on our work compiling a large corpus of such incidents and developing a model based on semiotic triads to examine security circumvention. This model suggests that mismorphisms— mappings that fail to preserve structure—lie at the heart of circumvention scenarios; differential percep- tions and needs explain users’ actions. We support this claim with empirical data from the corpus.

Sean Smith, Dartmouth College, Ross Koppel, University of Pennsylvania, Jim Blythe, University of Southern California, Vijay Kothari, Dartmouth College.  2015.  Mismorphism: A Semiotic Model of Computer Security Circumvention (poster abstract). Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS).

In real world domains, from healthcare to power to finance, we deploy computer systems intended to streamline and im- prove the activities of human agents in the corresponding non-cyber worlds. However, talking to actual users (instead of just computer security experts) reveals endemic circum- vention of the computer-embedded rules. Good-intentioned users, trying to get their jobs done, systematically work around security and other controls embedded in their IT systems.

This poster reports on our work compiling a large corpus of such incidents and developing a model based on semi- otic triads to examine security circumvention. This model suggests that mismorphisms—mappings that fail to preserve structure—lie at the heart of circumvention scenarios; dif- ferential perceptions and needs explain users’ actions. We support this claim with empirical data from the corpus.

John C. Mace, Newcastle University, Charles Morisset, Newcastle University, Aad Van Moorsel, Newcastle University.  2015.  Modelling User Availability in Workflow Resiliency Analysis. Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS).

Workflows capture complex operational processes and include security constraints limiting which users can perform which tasks. An improper security policy may prevent cer- tain tasks being assigned and may force a policy violation. Deciding whether a valid user-task assignment exists for a given policy is known to be extremely complex, especially when considering user unavailability (known as the resiliency problem). Therefore tools are required that allow automatic evaluation of workflow resiliency. Modelling well defined workflows is fairly straightforward, however user availabil- ity can be modelled in multiple ways for the same workflow. Correct choice of model is a complex yet necessary concern as it has a major impact on the calculated resiliency. We de- scribe a number of user availability models and their encod- ing in the model checker PRISM, used to evaluate resiliency. We also show how model choice can affect resiliency computation in terms of its value, memory and CPU time.

Dong Jin, Illinois Institute of Technology, David Nicol, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2015.  Parallel Simulation and Virtual-machine-based Emulation of Software-defined Network. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. 26(1)

The emerging software-defined networking (SDN) technology decouples the control plane from the data plane in a computer network with open and standardized interfaces, and hence opens up the network designers’ options and ability to innovate. The wide adoption of SDN in industry has motivated the development of large-scale, high-fidelity testbeds for evaluation of systems that incorporate SDN. In this article, we develop a framework to support OpenFlow-based SDN simulation and distributed emulation, by leveraging our prior work on a hybrid network testbed with a parallel network simulator and a virtual-machine-based emulation system. We show how to exploit typical SDN controller behaviors to handle performance issues caused by the centralized controller in parallel discrete-event simulation. In particular, we develop an asynchronous synchronization algorithm for passive SDN controllers and design a two-level architecture for active SDN controllers. We evaluate the system performance, showing good scalability. Finally, we present a case study, using the testbed, to evaluate network verification applications in an SDN-based data center network. CCS Concepts: Networks→Network simulations; Computing methodologies→Simulation

Phuong Cao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Eric Badger, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Adam Slagell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ravishankar Iyer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2015.  Preemptive Intrusion Detection: Theoretical Framework and Real-World Measurements. Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security, (HotSoS 2015).

This paper presents a Factor Graph based framework called AttackTagger for highly accurate and preemptive detection of attacks, i.e., before the system misuse. We use secu- rity logs on real incidents that occurred over a six-year pe- riod at the National Center for Supercomputing Applica- tions (NCSA) to evaluate AttackTagger. Our data consist of security incidents that led to compromise of the target system, i.e., the attacks in the incidents were only identified after the fact by security analysts. AttackTagger detected 74 percent of attacks, and the majority them were detected before the system misuse. Finally, AttackTagger uncovered six hidden attacks that were not detected by intrusion de- tection systems during the incidents or by security analysts in post-incident forensic analysis.

Ravishankar K. Iyer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Phuong Cao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2015.  Preemptive Intrusion Detection: Theoretical Framework and Real-world Measurements.

Presented at the NSA SoS Quarterly Lablet Meeting, January 2015 by Ravi Iyer.

Presented at the Illinois SoS Bi-Weekly Meeting, February 2015 by Phuong Cao.

Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2015.  Resilience of Cyber Physical Systems and Technologies.

Presented at a tutorial at the Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS 2015), April 2015.

John C. Mace, Newcastle University, Charles Morisset, Newcastle University, Aad Van Moorsel, Newcastle University.  2015.  Resiliency Variance in Workflows with Choice. International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems (SERENE 2015).

Computing a user-task assignment for a workflow coming with probabilistic user availability provides a measure of completion rate or resiliency. To a workflow designer this indicates a risk of failure, espe- cially useful for workflows which cannot be changed due to rigid security constraints. Furthermore, resiliency can help outline a mitigation strategy which states actions that can be performed to avoid workflow failures. A workflow with choice may have many different resiliency values, one for each of its execution paths. This makes understanding failure risk and mitigation requirements much more complex. We introduce resiliency variance, a new analysis metric for workflows which indicates volatility from the resiliency average. We suggest this metric can help determine the risk taken on by implementing a given workflow with choice. For instance, high average resiliency and low variance would suggest a low risk of workflow failure.

Eric Badger, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Phuong Cao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Alex Withers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Adam Slagell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ravishankar Iyer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2015.  Scalable Data Analytics Pipeline for Real-Time Attack Detection; Design, Validation, and Deployment in a Honey Pot Environment.

This talk will explore a scalable data analytics pipeline for real-time attack detection through the use of customized honeypots at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). Attack detection tools are common and are constantly improving, but validating these tools is challenging. You must: (i) identify data (e.g., system-level events) that is essential for detecting attacks, (ii) extract this data from multiple data logs collected by runtime monitors, and (iii) present the data to the attack detection tools. On top of this, such an approach must scale with an ever-increasing amount of data, while allowing integration of new monitors and attack detection tools. All of these require an infrastructure to host and validate the developed tools before deployment into a production environment.

We will present a generalized architecture that aims for a real-time, scalable, and extensible pipeline that can be deployed in diverse infrastructures to validate arbitrary attack detection tools. To motivate our approach, we will show an example deployment of our pipeline based on open-sourced tools. The example deployment uses as its data sources: (i) a customized honeypot environment at NCSA and (ii) a container-based testbed infrastructure for interactive attack replay. Each of these data sources is equipped with network and host-based monitoring tools such as Bro (a network-based intrusion detection system) and OSSEC (a host-based intrusion detection system) to allow for the runtime collection of data on system/user behavior. Finally, we will present an attack detection tool that we developed and that we look to validate through our pipeline. In conclusion, the talk will discuss the challenges of transitioning attack detection from theory to practice and how the proposed data analytics pipeline can help that transition.

Presented at the Illinois Information Trust Institute Joint Trust and Security/Science of Security Seminar, October 6, 2016.

Presented at the NSA SoS Quarterly Lablet Meeting, October 2015.

Zhenqi Huang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Chuchu Fan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Alexandru Mereacre, University of Oxford, Sayan Mitra, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Oxford.  2015.  Simulation-based Verification of Cardiac Pacemakers with Guaranteed Coverage. Special Issue of IEEE Design and Test. 32(5)

Design and testing of pacemaker is challenging because of the need to capture the interaction between the physical processes (e.g. voltage signal in cardiac tissue) and the embedded software (e.g. a pacemaker). At the same time, there is a growing need for design and certification methodologies that can provide quality assurance for the embedded software. We describe recent progress in simulation-based techniques that are capable of ensuring guaranteed coverage. Our methods employ discrep- ancy functions, which impose bounds on system dynamics, and proceed through iteratively constructing over-approximations of the reachable set of states. We are able to prove time bounded safety or produce counterexamples. We illustrate the techniques by analyzing a family of pacemaker designs against time duration requirements and synthesize safe parameter ranges. We conclude by outlining the potential uses of this technology to improve the safety of medical device designs.

Zhenqi Huang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Yu Wang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2015.  SMT-Based Controller Synthesis for Linear Dynamical Systems with Adversary.

We present a controller synthesis algorithm for a discrete time reach-avoid problem in the presence of adversaries. Our model of the adversary captures typical malicious attacks envisioned on cyber-physical systems such as sensor spoofing, controller corruption, and actuator intrusion. After formulating the problem in a general setting, we present a sound and complete algorithm for the case with linear dynamics and an adversary with a budget on the total L2-norm of its actions. The algorithm relies on a result from linear control theory that enables us to decompose and precisely compute the reachable states of the system in terms of a symbolic simulation of the adversary-free dynamics and the total uncertainty induced by the adversary. We provide constraint-based synthesis algorithms for synthesizing open-loop and a closed-loop controllers using SMT solvers.

Prestented at the Joint Trust and Security/Science of Security Seminar, November 3, 2015.

Phuong Cao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Eric C. Badger, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ravishankar K. Iyer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Alexander Withers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Adam J. Slagell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2015.  Towards an Unified Security Testbed and Security Analytics Framework. Symposium and Bootcamp for the Science of Security (HotSoS 2015).

This paper presents the architecture of an end-to-end secu- rity testbed and security analytics framework, which aims to: i) understand real-world exploitation of known security vulnerabilities and ii) preemptively detect multi-stage at- tacks, i.e., before the system misuse. With the increasing number of security vulnerabilities, it is necessary for secu- rity researchers and practitioners to understand: i) system and network behaviors under attacks and ii) potential ef- fects of attacks to the target infrastructure. To safely em- ulate and instrument exploits of known vulnerabilities, we use virtualization techniques to isolate attacks in contain- ers, e.g., Linux-based containers or Virtual Machines, and to deploy monitors, e.g., kernel probes or network packet captures, across a system and network stack. To infer the evolution of attack stages from monitoring data, we use a probabilistic graphical model, namely AttackTagger, that represents learned knowledge of simulated attacks in our se- curity testbed and real-world attacks. Experiments are be- ing run on a real-world deployment of the framework at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Jim Blythe, University of Southern California, Sean Smith, Dartmouth College.  2015.  Understanding and Accounting for Human Behavior.

Since computers are machines, it's tempting to think of computer security as purely a technical problem. However, computing systems are created, used, and maintained by humans, and exist to serve the goals of human and institutional stakeholders. Consequently, effectively addressing the security problem requires understanding this human dimension.

In this tutorial, we discuss this challenge and survey principal research approaches to it.

Invited Tutorial, Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS 2015), April 2015, Urbana, IL.

Xusheng Xiao, NEC Laboratories America, Nikolai Tillmann, Microsoft Research, Manuel Fahndrich, Microsoft Research, Jonathan de Halleux, Microsoft Research, Michal Moskal, Microsoft Research, Tao Xie, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2015.  User-Aware Privacy Control via Extended Static-Information-Flow Analysis. Automated Software Engineering Journal. 22(3)

Applications in mobile marketplaces may leak private user information without notification. Existing mobile platforms provide little information on how applications use private user data, making it difficult for experts to validate appli- cations and for users to grant applications access to their private data. We propose a user-aware-privacy-control approach, which reveals how private information is used inside applications. We compute static information flows and classify them as safe/un- safe based on a tamper analysis that tracks whether private data is obscured before escaping through output channels. This flow information enables platforms to provide default settings that expose private data for only safe flows, thereby preserving privacy and minimizing decisions required from users. We build our approach into TouchDe- velop, an application-creation environment that allows users to write scripts on mobile devices and install scripts published by other users. We evaluate our approach by studying 546 scripts published by 194 users, and the results show that our approach effectively reduces the need to make access-granting choices to only 10.1 % (54) of all scripts. We also conduct a user survey that involves 50 TouchDevelop users to assess the effectiveness and usability of our approach. The results show that 90 % of the users consider our approach useful in protecting their privacy, and 54 % prefer our approach over other privacy-control approaches.

Jiaqi Yan, Illinois Institute of Technology, Dong Jin, Illinois Institute of Technology.  2015.  VT-Miniet: Virtual-time-enabled Mininet for Scalable and Accurate Software-Define Network Emulation. ACM SIGCOMM Symposium on SDN Research.

The advancement of software-defined networking (SDN) technology is highly dependent on the successful transformations from in-house research ideas to real-life products. To enable such transformations, a testbed offering scalable and high fidelity networking environment for testing and evaluating new/existing designs is extremely valuable. Mininet, the most popular SDN emulator by far, is designed to achieve both accuracy and scalability by running unmodified code of network applications in lightweight Linux Containers. How- ever, Mininet cannot guarantee performance fidelity under high workloads, in particular when the number of concurrent active events is more than the number of parallel cores. In this project, we develop a lightweight virtual time system in Linux container and integrate the system with Mininet, so that all the containers have their own virtual clocks rather than using the physical system clock which reflects the se- rialized execution of multiple containers. With the notion of virtual time, all the containers perceive virtual time as if they run independently and concurrently. As a result, inter- actions between the containers and the physical system are artificially scaled, making a network appear to be ten times faster from the viewpoint of applications within the contain- ers than it actually is. We also design an adaptive virtual time scheduling subsystem in Mininet, which is responsible to balance the experiment speed and fidelity. Experimen- tal results demonstrate that embedding virtual time into Mininet significantly enhances its performance fidelity, and therefore, results in a useful platform for the SDN community to conduct scalable experiments with high fidelity.