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Mailloux, L. O., Sargeant, B. N., Hodson, D. D., Grimaila, M. R..  2017.  System-level considerations for modeling space-based quantum key distribution architectures. 2017 Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). :1–6.

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a revolutionary technology which leverages the laws of quantum mechanics to distribute cryptographic keying material between two parties with theoretically unconditional security. Terrestrial QKD systems are limited to distances of \textbackslashtextless;200 km in both optical fiber and line-of-sight free-space configurations due to severe losses during single photon propagation and the curvature of the Earth. Thus, the feasibility of fielding a low Earth orbit (LEO) QKD satellite to overcome this limitation is being explored. Moreover, in August 2016, the Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully launched the world's first QKD satellite. However, many of the practical engineering performance and security tradeoffs associated with space-based QKD are not well understood for global secure key distribution. This paper presents several system-level considerations for modeling and studying space-based QKD architectures and systems. More specifically, this paper explores the behaviors and requirements that researchers must examine to develop a model for studying the effectiveness of QKD between LEO satellites and ground stations.

Thomas Christopher King, Akın Günay, Amit K. Chopra, Munindar P. Singh.  2017.  Tosca: Operationalizing Commitments Over Information Protocols. Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). :1–9.

The notion of commitment is widely studied as a high-level abstraction for modeling multiagent interaction.  An important challenge is supporting flexible decentralized enactments of commitment specifications.  In this paper, we combine recent advances on specifying commitments and information protocols.  Specifically, we contribute Tosca, a technique for automatically synthesizing information protocols from commitment specifications. Our main result is that the synthesized protocols support commitment alignment, which is the idea that agents must make compatible inferences about their commitments despite decentralization.

DeMarinis, Nicholas, Fonseca, Rodrigo.  2017.  Toward Usable Network Traffic Policies for IoT Devices in Consumer Networks. Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Internet of Things Security and Privacy. :43–48.

The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution has brought millions of small, low-cost, connected devices into our homes, cities, infrastructure, and more. However, these devices are often plagued by security vulnerabilities that pose threats to user privacy or can threaten the Internet architecture as a whole. Home networks can be particularly vulnerable to these threats as they typically have no network administrator and often contain unpatched or otherwise vulnerable devices. In this paper, we argue that the unique security challenges of home networks require a new network-layer architecture to both protect against external threats and mitigate attacks from compromised devices. We present initial findings based on traffic analysis from a small-scale IoT testbed toward identifying predictable patterns in IoT traffic that may allow construction of a policy-based framework to restrict malicious traffic. Based on our observations, we discuss key features for the design of this architecture to promote future developments in network-layer security in smart home networks.

Azab, M., Fortes, J. A. B..  2017.  Towards Proactive SDN-Controller Attack and Failure Resilience. 2017 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). :442–448.

SDN networks rely mainly on a set of software defined modules, running on generic hardware platforms, and managed by a central SDN controller. The tight coupling and lack of isolation between the controller and the underlying host limit the controller resilience against host-based attacks and failures. That controller is a single point of failure and a target for attackers. ``Linux-containers'' is a successful thin virtualization technique that enables encapsulated, host-isolated execution-environments for running applications. In this paper we present PAFR, a controller sandboxing mechanism based on Linux-containers. PAFR enables controller/host isolation, plug-and-play operation, failure-and-attack-resilient execution, and fast recovery. PAFR employs and manages live remote checkpointing and migration between different hosts to evade failures and attacks. Experiments and simulations show that the frequent employment of PAFR's live-migration minimizes the chance of successful attack/failure with limited to no impact on network performance.

Zhang, Haoyuan, Li, Huang, Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S..  2017.  Type-Safe Modular Parsing. Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering. :2–13.

Over the years a lot of effort has been put on solving extensibility problems, while retaining important software engineering properties such as modular type-safety and separate compilation. Most previous work focused on operations that traverse and process extensible Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) structures. However, there is almost no work on operations that build such extensible ASTs, including parsing. This paper investigates solutions for the problem of modular parsing. We focus on semantic modularity and not just syntactic modularity. That is, the solutions should not only allow complete parsers to be built out of modular parsing components, but also enable the parsing components to be modularly type-checked and separately compiled. We present a technique based on parser combinators that enables modular parsing. Interestingly, the modularity requirements for modular parsing rule out several existing parser combinator approaches, which rely on some non-modular techniques. We show that Packrat parsing techniques, provide solutions for such modularity problems, and enable reasonable performance in a modular setting. Extensibility is achieved using multiple inheritance and Object Algebras. To evaluate the approach we conduct a case study based on the “Types and Programming Languages” interpreters. The case study shows the effectiveness at reusing parsing code from existing interpreters, and the total parsing code is 69% shorter than an existing code base using a non-modular parsing approach.

Lahrouni, Youssef, Pereira, Caroly, Bensaber, Boucif Amar, Biskri, Ismaïl.  2017.  Using Mathematical Methods Against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks in VANET. Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access. :17–22.

VANET network is a new technology on which future intelligent transport systems are based; its purpose is to develop the vehicular environment and make it more comfortable. In addition, it provides more safety for drivers and cars on the road. Therefore, we have to make this technology as secured as possible against many threats. As VANET is a subclass of MANET, it has inherited many security problems but with a different architecture and DOS attacks are one of them. In this paper, we have focused on DOS attacks that prevent users to receive the right information at the right moment. We have analyzed DOS attacks behavior and effects on the network using different mathematical models in order to find an efficient solution.

Leon, S., Perelló, J., Careglio, D., Tarzan, M..  2017.  Guaranteeing QoS requirements in long-haul RINA networks. 2017 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). :1–4.

In the last years, networking scenarios have been evolving, hand-in-hand with new and varied applications with heterogeneous Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. These requirements must be efficiently and effectively delivered. Given its static layered structure and almost complete lack of built-in QoS support, the current TCP/IP-based Internet hinders such an evolution. In contrast, the clean-slate Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA) proposes a new recursive and programmable networking model capable of evolving with the network requirements, solving in this way most, if not all, TCP/IP protocol stack limitations. Network providers can better deliver communication services across their networks by taking advantage of the RINA architecture and its support for QoS. This support allows providing complete information of the QoS needs of the supported traffic flows, and thus, fulfilment of these needs becomes possible. In this work, we focus on the importance of path selection to better ensure QoS guarantees in long-haul RINA networks. We propose and evaluate a programmable strategy for path selection based on flow QoS parameters, such as the maximum allowed latency and packet losses, comparing its performance against simple shortest-path, fastest-path and connection-oriented solutions.

Ujcich, Benjamin, Miller, Andrew, Bates, Adam, Sanders, William.  2017.  Towards an accountable software-defined networking architecture. :1-5.

Software-defined networking (SDN) overcomes many limitations of traditional networking architectures because of its programmable and flexible nature. Security applications, for instance, can dynamically reprogram a network to respond to ongoing threats in real time. However, the same flexibility also creates risk, since it can be used against the network. Current SDN architectures potentially allow adversaries to disrupt one or more SDN system components and to hide their actions in doing so. That makes assurance and reasoning about past network events more difficult, if not impossible. In this paper, we argue that an SDN architecture must incorporate various notions of accountability for achieving systemwide cyber resiliency goals. We analyze accountability based on a conceptual framework, and we identify how that analysis fits in with the SDN architecture's entities and processes. We further consider a case study in which accountability is necessary for SDN network applications, and we discuss the limits of current approaches.

Bohara, Atul, Noureddine, Mohammad, Fawaz, Ahmed, Sanders, William.  2017.  An Unsupervised Multi-Detector Approach for Identifying Malicious Lateral Movement. :224-233.

Lateral movement-based attacks are increasingly leading to compromises in large private and government networks, often resulting in information exfiltration or service disruption. Such attacks are often slow and stealthy and usually evade existing security products. To enable effective detection of such attacks, we present a new approach based on graph-based modeling of the security state of the target system and correlation of diverse indicators of anomalous host behavior. We believe that irrespective of the specific attack vectors used, attackers typically establish a command and control channel to operate, and move in the target system to escalate their privileges and reach sensitive areas. Accordingly, we identify important features of command and control and lateral movement activities and extract them from internal and external communication traffic. Driven by the analysis of the features, we propose the use of multiple anomaly detection techniques to identify compromised hosts. These methods include Principal Component Analysis, k-means clustering, and Median Absolute Deviation-based outlier detection. We evaluate the accuracy of identifying compromised hosts by using injected attack traffic in a real enterprise network dataset, for various attack communication models. Our results show that the proposed approach can detect infected hosts with high accuracy and a low false positive rate.

Cheh, Carmen, Keefe, Ken, Feddersen, Brett, Chen, Binbin, Temple, William, Sanders, William.  2017.  Developing Models for Physical Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems. :49-55.

In this paper, we analyze the security of cyber-physical systems using the ADversary VIew Security Evaluation (ADVISE) meta modeling approach, taking into consideration the efects of physical attacks. To build our model of the system, we construct an ontology that describes the system components and the relationships among them. The ontology also deines attack steps that represent cyber and physical actions that afect the system entities. We apply the ADVISE meta modeling approach, which admits as input our deined ontology, to a railway system use case to obtain insights regarding the system’s security. The ADVISE Meta tool takes in a system model of a railway station and generates an attack execution graph that shows the actions that adversaries may take to reach their goal. We consider several adversary proiles, ranging from outsiders to insider staf members, and compare their attack paths in terms of targeted assets, time to achieve the goal, and probability of detection. The generated results show that even adversaries with access to noncritical assets can afect system service by intelligently crafting their attacks to trigger a physical sequence of efects. We also identify the physical devices and user actions that require more in-depth monitoring to reinforce the system’s security.

Lu, Jiqiang.  2017.  Almost Universal Forgery Attacks on the COPA and Marble Authenticated Encryption Algorithms. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :789–799.
The COPA authenticated encryption mode was proved to have a birthday-bound security on integrity, and its instantiation AES-COPA (v1/2) was claimed or conjectured to have a full security on tag guessing. The Marble (v1.0/1.1/1.2) authenticated encryption algorithm was claimed to have a full security on authenticity. Both AES-COPA (v1) and Marble (v1.0) were submitted to the Competition for Authenticated Encryption: Security, Applicability, and Robustness (CAESAR) in 2014, and Marble was revised twice (v1.1/1.2) in the first round of CAESAR, and AES-COPA (v1) was tweaked (v2) for the second round of CAESAR. In this paper, we cryptanalyse the basic cases of COPA, AES-COPA and Marble, that process messages of a multiple of the block size long; we present collision-based almost universal forgery attacks on the basic cases of COPA, AES-COPA (v1/2) and Marble (v1.0/1.1/1.2), and show that the basic cases of COPA and AES-COPA have roughly at most a birthday-bound security on tag guessing and the basic case of Marble has roughly at most a birthday-bound security on authenticity. The attacks on COPA and AES-COPA do not violate their birthday-bound security proof on integrity, but the attack on AES-COPA violates its full security claim or conjecture on tag guessing. Therefore, the full security claim or conjecture on tag guessing of AES-COPA and the full security claim on authenticity of Marble are incorrectly far overestimated in the sense of a general understanding of full security of these security notions. Designers should pay attention to these attacks when designing authenticated encryption algorithms with similar structures in the future, and should be careful when claiming the security of an advanced form of a security notion without making a corresponding proof after proving the security of the security notion only under its most fundamental form.
Dietzel, Christoph, Antichi, Gianni, Castro, Ignacio, Fernandes, Eder L., Chiesa, Marco, Kopp, Daniel.  2017.  SDN-enabled Traffic Engineering and Advanced Blackholing at IXPs. Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research. :181–182.

While the clean slate approach proposed by Software Defined Networking (SDN) promises radical changes in the stagnant state of network management, SDN innovation has not gone beyond the intra-domain level. For the inter-domain ecosystem to benefit from the advantages of SDN, Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) are the ideal place: a central interconnection hub through which a large share of the Internet can be affected. In this demo, we showcase the ENDEAVOUR platform: a new software defined exchange approach readily deployable in commercial IXPs. We demonstrate here our implementations of traffic engineering and Distributed Denial of Service mitigation, as well as how member networks cash in on the advanced SDN-features of ENDEAVOUR, typically not available in legacy networks.

Fu, Shaojing, Yu, Yunpeng, Xu, Ming.  2017.  A Secure Algorithm for Outsourcing Matrix Multiplication Computation in the Cloud. Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing. :27–33.
Matrix multiplication computation (MMC) is a common scientific and engineering computational task. But such computation involves enormous computing resources for large matrices, which is burdensome for the resource-limited clients. Cloud computing enables computational resource-limited clients to economically outsource such problems to the cloud server. However, outsourcing matrix multiplication to the cloud brings great security concerns and challenges since the matrices and their products often usually contains sensitive information. In a previous work, Lei et al. [1] proposed an algorithm for secure outsourcing MMC by using permutation matrix and the authors argued that it can achieve data privacy. In this paper, we first review the design of Lei's scheme and find a security vulnerability in their algorithm that it reveals the number of zero element in the input matrix to cloud server. Then we present a new verifiable, efficient, and privacy preserving algorithm for outsourcing MMC, which can protect the number privacy of zero elements in original matrices. Our algorithm builds on a series of carefully-designed pseudorandom matrices and well-designed privacy-preserving matrix transformation. Security analysis shows that our algorithm is practically-secure, and offers a higher level of privacy protection than the state-of-the-art algorithm.
Guarnizo, Juan David, Tambe, Amit, Bhunia, Suman Sankar, Ochoa, Martin, Tippenhauer, Nils Ole, Shabtai, Asaf, Elovici, Yuval.  2017.  SIPHON: Towards Scalable High-Interaction Physical Honeypots. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical System Security. :57–68.

In recent years, the emerging Internet-of-Things (IoT) has led to rising concerns about the security of networked embedded devices. In this work, we propose the SIPHON architecture–-a Scalable high-Interaction Honeypot platform for IoT devices. Our architecture leverages IoT devices that are physically at one location and are connected to the Internet through so-called $\backslash$emph\wormholes\ distributed around the world. The resulting architecture allows exposing few physical devices over a large number of geographically distributed IP addresses. We demonstrate the proposed architecture in a large scale experiment with 39 wormhole instances in 16 cities in 9 countries. Based on this setup, five physical IP cameras, one NVR and one IP printer are presented as 85 real IoT devices on the Internet, attracting a daily traffic of 700MB for a period of two months. A preliminary analysis of the collected traffic indicates that devices in some cities attracted significantly more traffic than others (ranging from 600 000 incoming TCP connections for the most popular destination to less than 50 000 for the least popular). We recorded over 400 brute-force login attempts to the web-interface of our devices using a total of 1826 distinct credentials, from which 11 attempts were successful. Moreover, we noted login attempts to Telnet and SSH ports some of which used credentials found in the recently disclosed Mirai malware.

Karthik Sheshadari, Nirav Ajmeri, Jessica Staddon.  2017.  No (Privacy) News is Good News: An Analysis of New York Times and Guardian Privacy News from 2010 to 2016. Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST). :1-12.
Dikhit, A. S., Karodiya, K..  2017.  Result evaluation of field authentication based SQL injection and XSS attack exposure. 2017 International Conference on Information, Communication, Instrumentation and Control (ICICIC). :1–6.

Figuring innovations and development of web diminishes the exertion required for different procedures. Among them the most profited businesses are electronic frameworks, managing an account, showcasing, web based business and so on. This framework mostly includes the data trades ceaselessly starting with one host then onto the next. Amid this move there are such a variety of spots where the secrecy of the information and client gets loosed. Ordinarily the zone where there is greater likelihood of assault event is known as defenceless zones. Electronic framework association is one of such place where numerous clients performs there undertaking as indicated by the benefits allotted to them by the director. Here the aggressor makes the utilization of open ranges, for example, login or some different spots from where the noxious script is embedded into the framework. This scripts points towards trading off the security imperatives intended for the framework. Few of them identified with clients embedded scripts towards web communications are SQL infusion and cross webpage scripting (XSS). Such assaults must be distinguished and evacuated before they have an effect on the security and classification of the information. Amid the most recent couple of years different arrangements have been incorporated to the framework for making such security issues settled on time. Input approvals is one of the notable fields however experiences the issue of execution drops and constrained coordinating. Some other component, for example, disinfection and polluting will create high false report demonstrating the misclassified designs. At the center, both include string assessment and change investigation towards un-trusted hotspots for totally deciphering the effect and profundity of the assault. This work proposes an enhanced lead based assault discovery with specifically message fields for viably identifying the malevolent scripts. The work obstructs the ordinary access for malignant so- rce utilizing and hearty manage coordinating through unified vault which routinely gets refreshed. At the underlying level of assessment, the work appears to give a solid base to further research.

Tirumala, Sreenivas Sremath, Narayanan, Ajit.  2017.  Transpositional Neurocryptography Using Deep Learning. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Information Technology. :330–334.

Cryptanalysis (the study of methods to read encrypted information without knowledge of the encryption key) has traditionally been separated into mathematical analysis of weaknesses in cryptographic algorithms, on the one hand, and side-channel attacks which aim to exploit weaknesses in the implementation of encryption and decryption algorithms. Mathematical analysis generally makes assumptions about the algorithm with the aim of reconstructing the key relating plain text to cipher text through brute-force methods. Complexity issues tend to dominate the systematic search for keys. To date, there has been very little research on a third cryptanalysis method: learning the key through convergence based on associations between plain text and cipher text. Recent advances in deep learning using multi-layered artificial neural networks (ANNs) provide an opportunity to reassess the role of deep learning architectures in next generation cryptanalysis methods based on neurocryptography (NC). In this paper, we explore the capability of deep ANNs to decrypt encrypted messages with minimum knowledge of the algorithm. From the experimental results, it can be concluded that DNNs can encrypt and decrypt to levels of accuracy that are not 100% because of the stochastic aspects of ANNs. This aspect may however be useful if communication is under cryptanalysis attack, since the attacker will not know for certain that key K used for encryption and decryption has been found. Also, uncertainty concerning the architecture used for encryption and decryption adds another layer of uncertainty that has no counterpart in traditional cryptanalysis.

Jalaian, B., Dasari, V., Motani, M..  2017.  A generalized optimization framework for control plane in tactical wireless networking. 2017 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). :986–990.

Tactical networks are generally simple ad-hoc networks in design, however, this simple design often gets complicated, when heterogeneous wireless technologies have to work together to enable seamless multi-hop communications across multiple sessions. In recent years, there has been some significant advances in computational, radio, localization, and networking te, and session's rate i.e., aggregate capacity averaged over a 4-time-slot frame)chnologies, which motivate a clean slate design of the control plane for multi-hop tactical wireless networks. In this paper, we develop a global network optimization framework, which characterizes the control plane for multi-hop wireless tactical networks. This framework abstracts the underlying complexity of tactical wireless networks and orchestrates the the control plane functions. Specifically, we develop a cross-layer optimization framework, which characterizes the interaction between the physical, link, and network layers. By applying the framework to a throughput maximization problem, we show how the proposed framework can be utilized to solve a broad range of wireless multi-hop tactical networking problems.

Kabiri, M. N., Wannous, M..  2017.  An Experimental Evaluation of a Cloud-Based Virtual Computer Laboratory Using Openstack. 2017 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI). :667–672.

In previous work, we proposed a solution to facilitate access to computer science related courses and learning materials using cloud computing and mobile technologies. The solution was positively evaluated by the participants, but most of them indicated that it lacks support for laboratory activities. As it is well known that many of computer science subjects (e.g. Computer Networks, Information Security, Systems Administration, etc.) require a suitable and flexible environment where students can access a set of computers and network devices to successfully complete their hands-on activities. To achieve this criteria, we created a cloud-based virtual laboratory based on OpenStack cloud platform to facilitate access to virtual machine both locally and remotely. Cloud-based virtual labs bring a lot of advantages, such as increased manageability, scalability, high availability and flexibility, to name a few. This arrangement has been tested in a case-study exercise with a group of students as part of Computer Networks and System Administration courses at Kabul Polytechnic University in Afghanistan. To measure success, we introduced a level test to be completed by participants prior and after the experiment. As a result, the learners achieved an average of 17.1 % higher scores in the post level test after completing the practical exercises. Lastly, we distributed a questionnaire after the experiment and students provided positive feedback on the effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed solution.

Lim, H., Ni, A., Kim, D., Ko, Y. B..  2017.  Named data networking testbed for scientific data. 2017 2nd International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS). :65–69.

Named Data Networking (NDN) is one of the future internet architectures, which is a clean-slate approach. NDN provides intelligent data retrieval using the principles of name-based symmetrical forwarding of Interest/Data packets and innetwork caching. The continually increasing demand for rapid dissemination of large-scale scientific data is driving the use of NDN in data-intensive science experiments. In this paper, we establish an intercontinental NDN testbed. In the testbed, an NDN-based application that targets climate science as an example data intensive science application is designed and implemented, which has differentiated features compared to those of previous studies. We verify experimental justification of using NDN for climate science in the intercontinental network, through performance comparisons between classical delivery techniques and NDN-based climate data delivery.

Fotiou, N., Siris, V. A., Xylomenos, G., Polyzos, G. C., Katsaros, K. V., Petropoulos, G..  2017.  Edge-ICN and its application to the Internet of Things. 2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops. :1–6.

While research on Information-Centric Networking (ICN) flourishes, its adoption seems to be an elusive goal. In this paper we propose Edge-ICN: a novel approach for deploying ICN in a single large network, such as the network of an Internet Service Provider. Although Edge-ICN requires nothing beyond an SDN-based network supporting the OpenFlow protocol, with ICN-aware nodes only at the edges of the network, it still offers the same benefits as a clean-slate ICN architecture but without the deployment hassles. Moreover, by proxying legacy traffic and transparently forwarding it through the Edge-ICN nodes, all existing applications can operate smoothly, while offering significant advantages to applications such as native support for scalable anycast, multicast, and multi-source forwarding. In this context, we show how the proposed functionality at the edge of the network can specifically benefit CoAP-based IoT applications. Our measurements show that Edge-ICN induces on average the same control plane overhead for name resolution as a centralized approach, while also enabling IoT applications to build on anycast, multicast, and multi-source forwarding primitives.

Suebsombut, P., Sekhari, A., Sureepong, P., Ueasangkomsate, P., Bouras, A..  2017.  The using of bibliometric analysis to classify trends and future directions on \#x201C;smart farm \#x201D;. 2017 International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT). :136–141.

Climate change has affected the cultivation in all countries with extreme drought, flooding, higher temperature, and changes in the season thus leaving behind the uncontrolled production. Consequently, the smart farm has become part of the crucial trend that is needed for application in certain farm areas. The aims of smart farm are to control and to enhance food production and productivity, and to increase farmers' profits. The advantages in applying smart farm will improve the quality of production, supporting the farm workers, and better utilization of resources. This study aims to explore the research trends and identify research clusters on smart farm using bibliometric analysis that has supported farming to improve the quality of farm production. The bibliometric analysis is the method to explore the relationship of the articles from a co-citation network of the articles and then science mapping is used to identify clusters in the relationship. This study examines the selected research articles in the smart farm field. The area of research in smart farm is categorized into two clusters that are soil carbon emission from farming activity, food security and farm management by using a VOSviewer tool with keywords related to research articles on smart farm, agriculture, supply chain, knowledge management, traceability, and product lifecycle management from Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus online database. The major cluster of smart farm research is the soil carbon emission from farming activity which impacts on climate change that affects food production and productivity. The contribution is to identify the trends on smart farm to develop research in the future by means of bibliometric analysis.

Muñoz, C., Wang, L., Solana, E., Crowcroft, J..  2017.  I(FIB)F: Iterated bloom filters for routing in named data networks. 2017 International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys). :1–8.

Named Data Networks provide a clean-slate redesign of the Future Internet for efficient content distribution. Because Internet of Things are expected to compose a significant part of Future Internet, most content will be managed by constrained devices. Such devices are often equipped with limited CPU, memory, bandwidth, and energy supply. However, the current Named Data Networks design neglects the specific requirements of Internet of Things scenarios and many data structures need to be further optimized. The purpose of this research is to provide an efficient strategy to route in Named Data Networks by constructing a Forwarding Information Base using Iterated Bloom Filters defined as I(FIB)F. We propose the use of content names based on iterative hashes. This strategy leads to reduce the overhead of packets. Moreover, the memory and the complexity required in the forwarding strategy are lower than in current solutions. We compare our proposal with solutions based on hierarchical names and Standard Bloom Filters. We show how to further optimize I(FIB)F by exploiting the structure information contained in hierarchical content names. Finally, two strategies may be followed to reduce: (i) the overall memory for routing or (ii) the probability of false positives.

Liu, H., Ditzler, G..  2017.  A fast information-theoretic approximation of joint mutual information feature selection. 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :4610–4617.

Feature selection is an important step in data analysis to address the curse of dimensionality. Such dimensionality reduction techniques are particularly important when if a classification is required and the model scales in polynomial time with the size of the feature (e.g., some applications include genomics, life sciences, cyber-security, etc.). Feature selection is the process of finding the minimum subset of features that allows for the maximum predictive power. Many of the state-of-the-art information-theoretic feature selection approaches use a greedy forward search; however, there are concerns with the search in regards to the efficiency and optimality. A unified framework was recently presented for information-theoretic feature selection that tied together many of the works in over the past twenty years. The work showed that joint mutual information maximization (JMI) is generally the best options; however, the complexity of greedy search for JMI scales quadratically and it is infeasible on high dimensional datasets. In this contribution, we propose a fast approximation of JMI based on information theory. Our approach takes advantage of decomposing the calculations within JMI to speed up a typical greedy search. We benchmarked the proposed approach against JMI on several UCI datasets, and we demonstrate that the proposed approach returns feature sets that are highly consistent with JMI, while decreasing the run time required to perform feature selection.

Mahajan, V., Peddoju, S. K..  2017.  Integration of Network Intrusion Detection Systems and Honeypot Networks for Cloud Security. 2017 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA). :829–834.

With an aim of provisioning fast, reliable and low cost services to the users, the cloud-computing technology has progressed leaps and bounds. But, adjacent to its development is ever increasing ability of malicious users to compromise its security from outside as well as inside. The Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) techniques has gone a long way in detection of known and unknown attacks. The methods of detection of intrusion and deployment of NIDS in cloud environment are dependent on the type of services being rendered by the cloud. It is also important that the cloud administrator is able to determine the malicious intensions of the attackers and various methods of attack. In this paper, we carry out the integration of NIDS module and Honeypot Networks in Cloud environment with objective to mitigate the known and unknown attacks. We also propose method to generate and update signatures from information derived from the proposed integrated model. Using sandboxing environment, we perform dynamic malware analysis of binaries to derive conclusive evidence of malicious attacks.