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Bobda, C., Whitaker, T. J. L., Kamhoua, C., Kwiat, K., Njilla, L..  2017.  Synthesis of Hardware Sandboxes for Trojan Mitigation in Systems on Chip. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :172–172.

In this work, we propose a design flow for automatic generation of hardware sandboxes purposed for IP security in trusted system-on-chips (SoCs). Our tool CAPSL, the Component Authentication Process for Sandboxed Layouts, is capable of detecting trojan activation and nullifying possible damage to a system at run-time, avoiding complex pre-fabrication and pre-deployment testing for trojans. Our approach captures the behavioral properties of non-trusted IPs, typically from a third-party or components off the shelf (COTS), with the formalism of interface automata and the Property Specification Language's sequential extended regular expressions (SERE). Using the concept of hardware sandboxing, we translate the property specifications to checker automata and partition an untrusted sector of the system, with included virtualized resources and controllers, to isolate sandbox-system interactions upon deviation from the behavioral checkers. Our design flow is verified with benchmarks from, which show 100% trojan detection with reduced checker overhead compared to other run-time verification techniques.

Lu, Y., Chen, G., Luo, L., Tan, K., Xiong, Y., Wang, X., Chen, E..  2017.  One more queue is enough: Minimizing flow completion time with explicit priority notification. IEEE INFOCOM 2017 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :1–9.

Ideally, minimizing the flow completion time (FCT) requires millions of priorities supported by the underlying network so that each flow has its unique priority. However, in production datacenters, the available switch priority queues for flow scheduling are very limited (merely 2 or 3). This practical constraint seriously degrades the performance of previous approaches. In this paper, we introduce Explicit Priority Notification (EPN), a novel scheduling mechanism which emulates fine-grained priorities (i.e., desired priorities or DP) using only two switch priority queues. EPN can support various flow scheduling disciplines with or without flow size information. We have implemented EPN on commodity switches and evaluated its performance with both testbed experiments and extensive simulations. Our results show that, with flow size information, EPN achieves comparable FCT as pFabric that requires clean-slate switch hardware. And EPN also outperforms TCP by up to 60.5% if it bins the traffic into two priority queues according to flow size. In information-agnostic setting, EPN outperforms PIAS with two priority queues by up to 37.7%. To the best of our knowledge, EPN is the first system that provides millions of priorities for flow scheduling with commodity switches.

Kumar, S., Johari, R., Singh, L., Gupta, K..  2017.  SCLCT: Secured cross language cipher technique. 2017 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA). :545–550.

Cryptography is the fascinating science that deals with constructing and destructing the secret codes. The evolving digitization in this modern era possesses cryptography as one of its backbones to perform the transactions with confidentiality and security wherever the authentication is required. With the modern technology that has evolved, the use of codes has exploded, enriching cryptology and empowering citizens. One of the most important things that encryption provides anyone using any kind of computing device is `privacy'. There is no way to have true privacy with strong security, the method with which we are dealing with is to make the cipher text more robust to be by-passed. In current work, the well known and renowned Caesar cipher and Rail fence cipher techniques are combined with a cross language cipher technique and the detailed comparative analysis amongst them is carried out. The simulations have been carried out on Eclipse Juno version IDE for executions and Java, an open source language has been used to implement these said techniques.

Purnomo, M. F. E., Kitagawa, A..  2017.  Developing basic configuration of triangle array antenna for circularly polarized-Synthetic Aperture Radar sensor application. 2017 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and Telecommunications (ICRAMET). :112–117.

The development of radar technology, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) requires the communication facilities and infrastructures that have variety of platforms and high quality of image. In this paper, we obtain the basic configuration of triangle array antenna using corporate feeding-line for Circularly Polarized- Synthetic Aperture Radar (CP-SAR) sensor embedded on small UAV or drone airspace with compact, small, and simple configuration. The Method of Moments (MoM) is chosen in the numerical analysis for fast calculation of the unknown current on the patch antenna. The developing of triangle array antenna is consist of four patches of simple equilateral triangle patch with adding truncated corner of each patch and resonant frequency at f = 1.25 GHz. Proximity couple, perturbation segment, single feeding method are applied to generate the circular polarization wave from radiating patch. The corporate feeding-line design is implemented by combining some T-junctions to distribute the current from input port to radiating patch and to reach 2×2 patches. The performance results of this antenna, especially for gain and axial ratio (Ar) at the resonant frequency are 11.02 dBic and 2.47 dB, respectively. Furthermore, the two-beams appeared at boresight in elevation plane have similar values each other i.e. for average beamwidth of 10 dBic-gain and the 3 dB-Ar are about 20° and 70°, respectively.

Sun, S., Zhang, H., Du, Y..  2017.  The electromagnetic leakage analysis based on arithmetic operation of FPGA. 2017 IEEE 5th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-Beijing). :1–5.

The chips in working state have electromagnetic energy leakage problem. We offer a method to analyze the problem of electromagnetic leakage when the chip is running. We execute a sequence of addition and subtraction arithmetic instructions on FPGA chip, then we use the near-field probe to capture the chip leakage of electromagnetic signals. The electromagnetic signal is collected for analysis and processing, the parts of addition and subtraction are classified and identified by SVM. In this paper, for the problem of electromagnetic leakage, six sets of data were collected for analysis and processing. Good results were obtained by using this method.

Nan, L., Zeng, X., Wang, Z., Du, Y., Li, W..  2017.  Research of a reconfigurable coarse-grained cryptographic processing unit based on different operation similar structure. 2017 IEEE 12th International Conference on ASIC (ASICON). :191–194.

This paper proposed a feedback shift register structure which can be split, it is based on a research of operating characteristics about 70 kinds of cryptographic algorithms and the research shows that the “different operations similar structure” reconfigurable design is feasible. Under the configuration information, the proposed structure can implement the multiplication in finite field GF(2n), the multiply/divide linear feedback shift register and other operations. Finally, this paper did a logic synthesis based on 55nm CMOS standard-cell library and the results show that the proposed structure gets a hardware resource saving of nearly 32%, the average power consumption saving of nearly 55% without the critical delay increasing significantly. Therefore, the “different operations similar structure” reconfigurable design is a new design method and the proposed feedback shift register structure can be an important processing unit for coarse-grained reconfigurable cryptologic array.

Vizarreta, P., Heegaard, P., Helvik, B., Kellerer, W., Machuca, C. M..  2017.  Characterization of failure dynamics in SDN controllers. 2017 9th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM). :1–7.

With Software Defined Networking (SDN) the control plane logic of forwarding devices, switches and routers, is extracted and moved to an entity called SDN controller, which acts as a broker between the network applications and physical network infrastructure. Failures of the SDN controller inhibit the network ability to respond to new application requests and react to events coming from the physical network. Despite of the huge impact that a controller has on the network performance as a whole, a comprehensive study on its failure dynamics is still missing in the state of the art literature. The goal of this paper is to analyse, model and evaluate the impact that different controller failure modes have on its availability. A model in the formalism of Stochastic Activity Networks (SAN) is proposed and applied to a case study of a hypothetical controller based on commercial controller implementations. In case study we show how the proposed model can be used to estimate the controller steady state availability, quantify the impact of different failure modes on controller outages, as well as the effects of software ageing, and impact of software reliability growth on the transient behaviour.

Hu, Yao, Hara, Hiroaki, Fujiwara, Ikki, Matsutani, Hiroki, Amano, Hideharu, Koibuchi, Michihiro.  2017.  Towards Tightly-coupled Datacenter with Free-space Optical Links. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing. :33–39.

Clean slate design of computing system is an emerging topic for continuing growth of warehouse-scale computers. A famous custom design is rackscale (RS) computing by considering a single rack as a computer that consists of a number of processors, storages and accelerators customized to a target application. In RS, each user is expected to occupy a single or more than one rack. However, new users frequently appear and the users often change their application scales and parameters that would require different numbers of processors, storages and accelerators in a rack. The reconfiguration of interconnection networks on their components is potentially needed to support the above demand in RS. In this context, we propose the inter-rackscale (IRS) architecture that disaggregates various hardware resources into different racks according to their own areas. The heart of IRS is to use free-space optics (FSO) for tightly-coupled connections between processors, storages and GPUs distributed in different racks, by swapping endpoints of FSO links to change network topologies. Through a large IRS system simulation, we show that by utilizing FSO links for interconnection between racks, the FSO-equipped IRS architecture can provide comparable communication latency between heterogeneous resources to that of the counterpart RS architecture. A utilization of 3 FSO terminals per rack can improve at least 87.34% of inter-CPU/SSD(GPU) communication over Fat-tree and improve at least 92.18% of that over 2-D Torus. We verify the advantages of IRS over RS in job scheduling performance.

Luo, S., Wang, Y., Huang, W., Yu, H..  2016.  Backup and Disaster Recovery System for HDFS. 2016 International Conference on Information Science and Security (ICISS). :1–4.

HDFS has been widely used for storing massive scale data which is vulnerable to site disaster. The file system backup is an important strategy for data retention. In this paper, we present an efficient, easy- to-use Backup and Disaster Recovery System for HDFS. The system includes a client based on HDFS with additional feature of remote backup, and a remote server with a HDFS cluster to keep the backup data. It supports full backup and regularly incremental backup to the server with very low cost and high throughout. In our experiment, the average speed of backup and recovery is up to 95 MB/s, approaching the theoretical maximum speed of gigabit Ethernet.

Luis G. Nardin, Tina Balke-Visser, Nirav Ajmeri, Anup K. Kalia, Jaime S. Sichman, Munindar P. Singh.  2016.  Classifying Sanctions and Designing a Conceptual Sanctioning Process for Socio-Technical Systems. The Knowledge Engineering Review. 31:1–25.

We understand a socio-technical system (STS) as a cyber-physical system in which two or more autonomous parties interact via or about technical elements, including the parties’ resources and actions. As information technology begins to pervade every corner of human life, STSs are becoming ever more common, and the challenge of governing STSs is becoming increasingly important. We advocate a normative basis for governance, wherein norms represent the standards of correct behaviour that each party in an STS expects from others. A major benefit of focussing on norms is that they provide a socially realistic view of interaction among autonomous parties that abstracts low-level implementation details. Overlaid on norms is the notion of a sanction as a negative or positive reaction to potentially any violation of or compliance with an expectation. Although norms have been well studied as regards governance for STSs, sanctions have not. Our understanding and usage of norms is inadequate for the purposes of governance unless we incorporate a comprehensive representation of sanctions.

Thuraisingham, B., Kantarcioglu, M., Hamlen, K., Khan, L., Finin, T., Joshi, A., Oates, T., Bertino, E..  2016.  A Data Driven Approach for the Science of Cyber Security: Challenges and Directions. 2016 IEEE 17th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI). :1–10.

This paper describes a data driven approach to studying the science of cyber security (SoS). It argues that science is driven by data. It then describes issues and approaches towards the following three aspects: (i) Data Driven Science for Attack Detection and Mitigation, (ii) Foundations for Data Trustworthiness and Policy-based Sharing, and (iii) A Risk-based Approach to Security Metrics. We believe that the three aspects addressed in this paper will form the basis for studying the Science of Cyber Security.

Haining Chen, Omar Chowdhury, Ninghui Li, Warut Khern-Am-Nuai, Suresh Chari, Ian Molloy, Youngja Park.  2016.  Tri-Modularization of Firewall Policies. ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT).

Firewall policies are notorious for having misconfiguration errors which can defeat its intended purpose of protecting hosts in the network from malicious users. We believe this is because today's firewall policies are mostly monolithic. Inspired by ideas from modular programming and code refactoring, in this work we introduce three kinds of modules: primary, auxiliary, and template, which facilitate the refactoring of a firewall policy into smaller, reusable, comprehensible, and more manageable components. We present algorithms for generating each of the three modules for a given legacy firewall policy. We also develop ModFP, an automated tool for converting legacy firewall policies represented in access control list to their modularized format. With the help of ModFP, when examining several real-world policies with sizes ranging from dozens to hundreds of rules, we were able to identify subtle errors.

Haining Chen, Omar Chowdhury, Ninghui Li, Warut Khern-Am-Nuai, Suresh Chari, Ian Molloy, Youngja Park.  2016.  Tri-Modularization of Firewall Policies. ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT).

Firewall policies are notorious for having misconfiguration errors which can defeat its intended purpose of protecting hosts in the network from malicious users. We believe this is because today's firewall policies are mostly monolithic. Inspired by ideas from modular programming and code refactoring, in this work we introduce three kinds of modules: primary, auxiliary, and template, which facilitate the refactoring of a firewall policy into smaller, reusable, comprehensible, and more manageable components. We present algorithms for generating each of the three modules for a given legacy firewall policy. We also develop ModFP, an automated tool for converting legacy firewall policies represented in access control list to their modularized format. With the help of ModFP, when examining several real-world policies with sizes ranging from dozens to hundreds of rules, we were able to identify subtle errors.


Nirav Ajmeri, Jiaming Jiang, Rada Y. Chirkova, Jon Doyle, Munindar P. Singh.  2016.  Coco: Runtime Reasoning about Conflicting Commitments. Proceedings of the 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). :1–7.

To interact effectively, agents must enter into commitments. What should an agent do when these commitments conflict? We describe Coco, an approach for reasoning about which specific commitments apply to specific parties in light of general types of commitments, specific circumstances, and dominance relations among specific commitments. Coco adapts answer-set programming to identify a maximalsetofnondominatedcommitments. It provides a modeling language and tool geared to support practical applications.

Mehdi Mashayekhi, Hongying Du, George F. List, Munindar P. Singh.  2016.  Silk: A Simulation Study of Regulating Open Normative Multiagent Systems. Proceedings of the 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). :1–7.

In a multiagent system, a (social) norm describes what the agents may expect from each other.  Norms promote autonomy (an agent need not comply with a norm) and heterogeneity (a norm describes interactions at a high level independent of implementation details). Researchers have studied norm emergence through social learning where the agents interact repeatedly in a graph structure.

In contrast, we consider norm emergence in an open system, where membership can change, and where no predetermined graph structure exists.  We propose Silk, a mechanism wherein a generator monitors interactions among member agents and recommends norms to help resolve conflicts.  Each member decides on whether to accept or reject a recommended norm.  Upon exiting the system, a member passes its experience along to incoming members of the same type.  Thus, members develop norms in a hybrid manner to resolve conflicts.

We evaluate Silk via simulation in the traffic domain.  Our results show that social norms promoting conflict resolution emerge in both moderate and selfish societies via our hybrid mechanism.

Datta, A., Kar, S., Sinopoli, B., Weerakkody, S..  2016.  Accountability in cyber-physical systems. 2016 Science of Security for Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop (SOSCYPS). :1–3.

Our position is that a key component of securing cyber-physical systems (CPS) is to develop a theory of accountability that encompasses both control and computing systems. We envision that a unified theory of accountability in CPS can be built on a foundation of causal information flow analysis. This theory will support design and analysis of mechanisms at various stages of the accountability regime: attack detection, responsibility-assignment (e.g., attack identification or localization), and corrective measures (e.g., via resilient control) As an initial step in this direction, we summarize our results on attack detection in control systems. We use the Kullback-Liebler (KL) divergence as a causal information flow measure. We then recover, using information flow analyses, a set of existing results in the literature that were previously proved using different techniques. These results cover passive detection, stealthy attack characterization, and active detection. This research direction is related to recent work on accountability in computational systems [1], [2], [3], [4]. We envision that by casting accountability theories in computing and control systems in terms of causal information flow, we can provide a common foundation to develop a theory for CPS that compose elements from both domains.

Kwiatkowska, M..  2016.  Advances and challenges of quantitative verification and synthesis for cyber-physical systems. 2016 Science of Security for Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop (SOSCYPS). :1–5.

We are witnessing a huge growth of cyber-physical systems, which are autonomous, mobile, endowed with sensing, controlled by software, and often wirelessly connected and Internet-enabled. They include factory automation systems, robotic assistants, self-driving cars, and wearable and implantable devices. Since they are increasingly often used in safety- or business-critical contexts, to mention invasive treatment or biometric authentication, there is an urgent need for modelling and verification technologies to support the design process, and hence improve the reliability and reduce production costs. This paper gives an overview of quantitative verification and synthesis techniques developed for cyber-physical systems, summarising recent achievements and future challenges in this important field.

Sandberg, H., Teixeira, A. M. H..  2016.  From control system security indices to attack identifiability. 2016 Science of Security for Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop (SOSCYPS). :1–6.

In this paper, we investigate detectability and identifiability of attacks on linear dynamical systems that are subjected to external disturbances. We generalize a concept for a security index, which was previously introduced for static systems. The index exactly quantifies the resources necessary for targeted attacks to be undetectable and unidentifiable in the presence of disturbances. This information is useful for both risk assessment and for the design of anomaly detectors. Finally, we show how techniques from the fault detection literature can be used to decouple disturbances and to identify attacks, under certain sparsity constraints.

Amin, S..  2016.  Security games on infrastructure networks. 2016 Science of Security for Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop (SOSCYPS). :1–4.

The theory of robust control models the controller-disturbance interaction as a game where disturbance is nonstrategic. The proviso of a deliberately malicious (strategic) attacker should be considered to increase the robustness of infrastructure systems. This has become especially important since many IT systems supporting critical functionalities are vulnerable to exploits by attackers. While the usefulness of game theory methods for modeling cyber-security is well established in the literature, new game theoretic models of cyber-physical security are needed for deriving useful insights on "optimal" attack plans and defender responses, both in terms of allocation of resources and operational strategies of these players. This whitepaper presents some progress and challenges in using game-theoretic models for security of infrastructure networks. Main insights from the following models are presented: (i) Network security game on flow networks under strategic edge disruptions; (ii) Interdiction problem on distribution networks under node disruptions; (iii) Inspection game to monitor commercial non-technical losses (e.g. energy diversion); and (iv) Interdependent security game of networked control systems under communication failures. These models can be used to analyze the attacker-defender interactions in a class of cyber-physical security scenarios.

Lucia, W., Sinopoli, B., Franze, G..  2016.  A set-theoretic approach for secure and resilient control of Cyber-Physical Systems subject to false data injection attacks. 2016 Science of Security for Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop (SOSCYPS). :1–5.

In this paper a novel set-theoretic control framework for Cyber-Physical Systems is presented. By resorting to set-theoretic ideas, an anomaly detector module and a control remediation strategy are formally derived with the aim to contrast cyber False Data Injection (FDI) attacks affecting the communication channels. The resulting scheme ensures Uniformly Ultimate Boundedness and constraints fulfillment regardless of any admissible attack scenario.

Ji, J. C. M., Chua, H. N., Lee, H. S., Iranmanesh, V..  2016.  Privacy and Security: How to Differentiate Them Using Privacy-Security Tree (PST) Classification. 2016 International Conference on Information Science and Security (ICISS). :1–4.

Privacy and security have been discussed in many occasions and in most cases, the importance that these two aspects play on the information system domain are mentioned often. Many times, research is carried out on the individual information security or privacy measures where it is commonly regarded with the focus on the particular measure or both privacy and security are regarded as a whole subject. However, there have been no attempts at establishing a proper method in categorizing any form of objects of protection. Through the review done on this paper, we would like to investigate the relationship between privacy and security and form a break down the aspects of privacy and security in order to provide better understanding through determining if a measure or methodology is security, privacy oriented or both. We would recommend that in further research, a further refined formulation should be formed in order to carry out this determination process. As a result, we propose a Privacy-Security Tree (PST) in this paper that distinguishes the privacy from security measures.

Amit K. Chopra, Munindar P. Singh.  2015.  Cupid: Commitments in Relational Algebra. Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). :1–8.

We propose Cupid, a language for specifying commitments that supports their information-centric aspects, and offers crucial benefits.  One, Cupid is first-order, enabling a systematic treatment of commitment instances.  Two, Cupid supports features needed for real-world scenarios such as deadlines, nested commitments, and complex event expressions for capturing the lifecycle of commitment instances.  Three, Cupid maps to relational database queries and thus provides a set-based semantics for retrieving commitment instances in states such as being violated,discharged, and so on.  We prove that Cupid queries are safe.  Four,to aid commitment modelers, we propose the notion of well-identified commitments, and finitely violable and finitely expirable commitments.  We give syntactic restrictions for obtaining such commitments.

Mezzour, Ghita, Carley, L. Richard, Carley, Kathleen M..  2014.  Longitudinal analysis of a large corpus of cyber threat descriptions. Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques. :1-12.

Online cyber threat descriptions are rich, but little research has attempted to systematically analyze these descriptions. In this paper, we process and analyze two of Symantec’s online threat description corpora. The Anti-Virus (AV) corpus contains descriptions of more than 12,400 threats detected by Symantec’s AV, and the Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) corpus contains descriptions of more than 2,700 attacks detected by Symantec’s IPS. In our analysis, we quantify the over time evolution of threat severity and type in the corpora. We also assess the amount of time Symantec takes to release signatures for newly discovered threats. Our analysis indicates that a very small minority of threats in the AV corpus are high-severity, whereas the majority of attacks in the IPS corpus are high-severity. Moreover, we find that the prevalence of different threat types such as worms and viruses in the corpora varies considerably over time. Finally, we find that Symantec prioritizes releasing signatures for fast propagating threats.

Ivars, Eugene, Armands, Vadim.  2013.  Alias-free compressed signal digitizing and recording on the basis of Event Timer. 2013 21st Telecommunications Forum Telfor (℡FOR). :443–446.

Specifics of an alias-free digitizer application for compressed digitizing and recording of wideband signals are considered. Signal sampling in this case is performed on the basis of picosecond resolution event timing, the digitizer actually is a subsystem of Event Timer A033-ET and specific events that are detected and then timed are the signal and reference sine-wave crossings. The used approach to development of this subsystem is described and some results of experimental studies are given.