Visible to the public A secured distributed OCR system in a pervasive environment with authentication as a service in the Cloud

TitleA secured distributed OCR system in a pervasive environment with authentication as a service in the Cloud
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsHassen, H., Khemakhem, M.
Conference NameMultimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS), 2014 International Conference on
Date PublishedApril
Keywordsauthentication, authentication as a service, cloud computing, cloud computing technology, Computational modeling, distributed Arabic optical character recognition, distributed computing technologies, Distributed OCR system, Mobile communication, mobile computing, mobile environment, multiprocessing, natural language processing, optical character recognition, Optical character recognition software, Pattern recognition, pervasive environment, recognition process, secured distributed OCR system, security, security issue, security of data, vocabularies

In this paper we explore the potential for securing a distributed Arabic Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system via cloud computing technology in a pervasive and mobile environment. The goal of the system is to achieve full accuracy, high speed and security when taking into account large vocabularies and amounts of documents. This issue has been resolved by integrating the recognition process and the security issue with multiprocessing and distributed computing technologies.

Citation Key6911137