Visible to the public Institution Theory for Services Oriented Applications

TitleInstitution Theory for Services Oriented Applications
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsAchouri, A., Hlaoui, Y.B., Jemni Ben Ayed, L.
Conference NameComputer Software and Applications Conference Workshops (COMPSACW), 2014 IEEE 38th International
Date PublishedJuly
KeywordsContext, diagrams, Event-B, event-B specification, Formal semantics, formal specification, formal verification, Grammar, graphical model, institution comorphism, institution theory, local semantic, Manganese, Model transformation, programming language semantics, semantic correctness, Semantics, service oriented applications, software engineering, Syntactics, System recovery, UML activity diagram, UML AD, Unified modeling language, workflow applications

In the present paper, we present our approach for the transformation of workflow applications based on institution theory. The workflow application is modeled with UML Activity Diagram(UML AD). Then, for a formal verification purposes, the graphical model will be translated to an Event-B specification. Institution theory will be used in two levels. First, we defined a local semantic for UML AD and Event B specification using a categorical description of each one. Second, we defined institution comorphism to link the two defined institutions. The theoretical foundations of our approach will be studied in the same mathematical framework since the use of institution theory. The resulted Event-B specification, after applying the transformation approach, will be used for the formal verification of functional proprieties and the verification of absences of problems such deadlock. Additionally, with the institution comorphism, we define a semantic correctness and coherence of the model transformation.

Citation Key6903182