Visible to the public Self-establishing a Service Level Agreement within autonomic cloud networking environment

TitleSelf-establishing a Service Level Agreement within autonomic cloud networking environment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsHamze, M., Mbarek, N., Togni, O.
Conference NameNetwork Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 2014 IEEE
Date PublishedMay
Keywordsautonomic cloud managers, autonomic cloud networking environment, Availability, Bandwidth, cloud computing, cloud computing research communities, cloud service provider, cloud service user, Computer architecture, contracts, CSP, IaaS services, NaaS services, QoS, quality of service, security, Service Level Agreement, SLA

Today, cloud networking which is the ability to connect the user with his cloud services and to interconnect these services within an inter-cloud approach, is one of the recent research areas in the cloud computing research communities. The main drawback of cloud networking consists in the lack of Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee and management in conformance with a corresponding Service Level Agreement (SLA). Several research works have been proposed for the SLA establishing in cloud computing, but not in cloud networking. In this paper, we propose an architecture for self-establishing an end-to-end service level agreement between a Cloud Service User (CSU) and a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) in a cloud networking environment. We focus on QoS parameters for NaaS and IaaS services. The architecture ensures a self-establishing of the proposed SLA using autonomic cloud managers.

Citation Key6838336