Visible to the public #x201C;Role of metadata in forensic analysis of database attacks #x201C;

Title#x201C;Role of metadata in forensic analysis of database attacks #x201C;
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKhanuja, H., Suratkar, S.S.
Conference NameAdvance Computing Conference (IACC), 2014 IEEE International
Date PublishedFeb
Keywordsanti-forensics attacks, antiforensics attacks, audit logs, cache, Conferences, court of law, data privacy, database attacks, database forensics, database security breaches, database server artifacts, digital evidence, digital forensics, digital notarization, e-transactions, forensic analysis, fraudulent transaction, Handheld computers, Information analysis, information retrieval, Law, linked hash technique, meta data, metadata, online activities, open source database forensics tool, privacy issue, reconnaissance attack, security issue, SQL Injection, table storage, trail obfuscation

With the spectacular increase in online activities like e-transactions, security and privacy issues are at the peak with respect to their significance. Large numbers of database security breaches are occurring at a very high rate on daily basis. So, there is a crucial need in the field of database forensics to make several redundant copies of sensitive data found in database server artifacts, audit logs, cache, table storage etc. for analysis purposes. Large volume of metadata is available in database infrastructure for investigation purposes but most of the effort lies in the retrieval and analysis of that information from computing systems. Thus, in this paper we mainly focus on the significance of metadata in database forensics. We proposed a system here to perform forensics analysis of database by generating its metadata file independent of the DBMS system used. We also aim to generate the digital evidence against criminals for presenting it in the court of law in the form of who, when, why, what, how and where did the fraudulent transaction occur. Thus, we are presenting a system to detect major database attacks as well as anti-forensics attacks by developing an open source database forensics tool. Eventually, we are pointing out the challenges in the field of forensics and how these challenges can be used as opportunities to stimulate the areas of database forensics.

Citation Key6779367