Visible to the public Towards more accurate multi-label software behavior learning

TitleTowards more accurate multi-label software behavior learning
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsXin Xia, Yang Feng, Lo, D., Zhenyu Chen, Xinyu Wang
Conference NameSoftware Maintenance, Reengineering and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE), 2014 Software Evolution Week - IEEE Conference on
Date PublishedFeb
KeywordsBaidu, Biological cells, Computer crashes, crash report, execution trace, F-measures, fault labels, genetic algorithm, genetic algorithms, learning (artificial intelligence), Ml.KNN, MLL-GA, modern software system, Multi-label Learning, multilabel software behavior learning, open source programs, Prediction algorithms, public domain software, Software, Software algorithms, Software Behavior Learning, software fault tolerance, software maintenance, software vendor, Training

In a modern software system, when a program fails, a crash report which contains an execution trace would be sent to the software vendor for diagnosis. A crash report which corresponds to a failure could be caused by multiple types of faults simultaneously. Many large companies such as Baidu organize a team to analyze these failures, and classify them into multiple labels (i.e., multiple types of faults). However, it would be time-consuming and difficult for developers to manually analyze these failures and come out with appropriate fault labels. In this paper, we automatically classify a failure into multiple types of faults, using a composite algorithm named MLL-GA, which combines various multi-label learning algorithms by leveraging genetic algorithm (GA). To evaluate the effectiveness of MLL-GA, we perform experiments on 6 open source programs and show that MLL-GA could achieve average F-measures of 0.6078 to 0.8665. We also compare our algorithm with Ml.KNN and show that on average across the 6 datasets, MLL-GA improves the average F-measure of MI.KNN by 14.43%.

Citation Key6747163