Visible to the public Modeling Free-form Handwriting Gesture User Authentication for Android Smartphones

TitleModeling Free-form Handwriting Gesture User Authentication for Android Smartphones
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsEspinosa, Floren Alexis T., Guerrero III, Guillermo Gohan E., Vea, Larry A.
Conference NameProceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems
Date PublishedMay 2016
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4178-3
Keywordsauthentication, gesture, Information security, Model, pubcrawl, pubcrawl170201, science of security, shoulder surfing

Smartphones nowadays are customized to help users with their daily tasks such as storing important data or making transactions through the internet. With the sensitivity of the data involved, authentication mechanism such as fixed-text password, PIN, or unlock patterns are used to safeguard these data against intruders. However, these mechanisms have the risk from security threats such as cracking or shoulder surfing. To enhance mobile and/or information security, this study aimed to develop a free-form handwriting gesture user authentication for smartphones. It also tried to discover the static and dynamic handwriting features that significantly influence the recognition of a legitimate user. The experiment was then conducted by asking thirty (30) individuals to draw or swipe using their fingertip their desired free-form security pattern ten (10) times. These patterns were then cleaned and processed, and extracted seven (7) static and eleven (11) dynamic handwriting features. By means of Neural Network classifier of the RapidMiner data mining tool, these features were used to develop, validate, and test a model for user authentication. The model showed a very promising recognition rate of 96.67%. The model is further tested through a prototype, and it still gave a very satisfactory result.

Citation Keyespinosa_modeling_2016