Visible to the public Security in Cloud-Based Cyber-Physical Systems

TitleSecurity in Cloud-Based Cyber-Physical Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsPuttonen, J., Afolaranmi, S. O., Moctezuma, L. G., Lobov, A., Lastra, J. L. M.
Conference Name2015 10th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC)
Keywordscloud computing, cloud-based cyber-physical systems, Computer crime, Cyber-physical systems, Data processing, Information security, modern production devices, physical interaction, Production, pubcrawl170109, security, security of data, Sensors, smart mobility services

Cyber-physical systems combine data processing and physical interaction. Therefore, security in cyber-physical systems involves more than traditional information security. This paper surveys recent research on security in cloud-based cyber-physical systems. In addition, this paper especially analyzes the security issues in modern production devices and smart mobility services, which are examples of cyber-physical systems from different application domains.

Citation Keyputtonen_security_2015