Visible to the public Counterfeiting and Defending the Digital Forensic Process

TitleCounterfeiting and Defending the Digital Forensic Process
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsBotas, Á, Rodríguez, R. J., Väisänen, T., Zdzichowski, P.
Conference Name2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing
Date Publishedoct
Keywordsanti-forensics, antiforensic techniques, Browsers, categorization, Computer crime, Computers, digital evidences, digital forensic process, digital forensics, forensic analysis, Forensics, initial phase, mitigation techniques, pubcrawl170109, Software, Taxonomy

During the last years, criminals have become aware of how digital evidences that lead them to courts and jail are collected and analyzed. Hence, they have started to develop antiforensic techniques to evade, hamper, or nullify their evidences. Nowadays, these techniques are broadly used by criminals, causing the forensic analysis to be in a state of decay. To defeat against these techniques, forensic analyst need to first identify them, and then to mitigate somehow their effects. In this paper, wereview the anti-forensic techniques and propose a new taxonomy that relates them to the initial phase of a forensic process mainly affected by each technique. Furthermore, we introduce mitigation techniques for these anti-forensic techniques, considering the chance to overcome the anti-forensic techniques and the difficulty to apply them.

Citation Keybotas_counterfeiting_2015