Visible to the public Covert communication with noncausal channel-state information at the transmitter

TitleCovert communication with noncausal channel-state information at the transmitter
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsLee, S. H., Wang, L., Khisti, A., Womell, G. W.
Conference Name2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
Date Publishedjun
Keywordsadditive white Gaussian noise channels, AWGN channels, compositionality, covert channels, covert communication, discrete memoryless channels, encoding, Monte Carlo methods, noncausal channel-state information, pubcrawl, radio transmitters, Receivers, reliability, Resiliency, Scalability, state-dependent channel, transmitter, Transmitters

We consider the problem of covert communication over a state-dependent channel, where the transmitter has non-causal knowledge of the channel states. Here, "covert" means that the probability that a warden on the channel can detect the communication must be small. In contrast with traditional models without noncausal channel-state information at the transmitter, we show that covert communication can be possible with positive rate. We derive closed-form formulas for the maximum achievable covert communication rate ("covert capacity") in this setting for discrete memoryless channels as well as additive white Gaussian noise channels. We also derive lower bounds on the rate of the secret key that is needed for the transmitter and the receiver to achieve the covert capacity.

Citation Keylee_covert_2017