Visible to the public Melody: Synthesized datasets for evaluating intrusion detection systems for the smart grid

TitleMelody: Synthesized datasets for evaluating intrusion detection systems for the smart grid
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsBabu, V., Kumar, R., Nguyen, H. H., Nicol, D. M., Palani, K., Reed, E.
Conference Name2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)
Date PublishedDec. 2017
ISBN Number978-1-5386-3428-8
Keywordsemulation, Intrusion detection, Power measurement, process control, pubcrawl, Scalability, scalable, Scalable Security, security, Smart grids, Topology, Training

As smart grid systems become increasingly reliant on networks of control devices, attacks on their inherent security vulnerabilities could lead to catastrophic system failures. Network Intrusion Detection Systems(NIDS) detect such attacks by learning traffic patterns and finding anomalies in them. However, availability of data for robust training and evaluation of NIDS is rare due to associated operational and security risks of sharing such data. Consequently, we present Melody, a scalable framework for synthesizing such datasets. Melody models both, the cyber and physical components of the smart grid by integrating a simulated physical network with an emulated cyber network while using virtual time for high temporal fidelity. We present a systematic approach to generate traffic representing multi-stage attacks, where each stage is either emulated or recreated with a mechanism to replay arbitrary packet traces. We describe and evaluate the suitability of Melodys datasets for intrusion detection, by analyzing the extent to which temporal accuracy of pertinent features is maintained.

Citation Keybabu_melody:_2017