Visible to the public Toward resilient networks with fog computing

TitleToward resilient networks with fog computing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsModarresi, A., Sterbenz, J. P. G.
Conference Name2017 9th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM)
Date Publishedsep
KeywordsCloud and fog computing, cloud computing, Computational modeling, Computer architecture, core network, delays, disruption tolerance, edge computing, edge networks, Fog Computing, Future Internet, Internet of Things, IoT, IoT architecture, network resilience, network traffic, ns-3 network simulation, on-demand computing power, Open-Fog, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Resilient Security Architectures, security, survivability, toward resilient networks

Cloud computing is a solution to reduce the cost of IT by providing elastic access to shared resources. It also provides solutions for on-demand computing power and storage for devices at the edge networks with limited resources. However, increasing the number of connected devices caused by IoT architecture leads to higher network traffic and delay for cloud computing. The centralised architecture of cloud computing also makes the edge networks more susceptible to challenges in the core network. Fog computing is a solution to decrease the network traffic, delay, and increase network resilience. In this paper, we study how fog computing may improve network resilience. We also conduct a simulation to study the effect of fog computing on network traffic and delay. We conclude that using fog computing prepares the network for better response time in case of interactive requests and makes the edge networks more resilient to challenges in the core network.

Citation Keymodarresi_toward_2017