The Internet of Things (IoT) technology has revolutionized the world where anything is smartly connected and is accessible. The IoT makes use of cloud computing for processing and storing huge amounts of data. In some way, the concept of fog computing has emerged between cloud and IoT devices to address the issue of latency. When a fog node exchanges data for completing a particular task, there are many security and privacy risks. For example, offloading data to a rogue fog node might result in an illegal gathering or modification of users' private data. In this paper, we rely on trust to detect and detach bad fog nodes. We use a Mamdani fuzzy method and we consider a hospital scenario with many fog servers. The aim is to identify the malicious fog node. Metrics such as latency and distance are used in evaluating the trustworthiness of each fog server. The main contribution of this study is identifying how fuzzy logic configuration could alter the trust value of fog nodes. The experimental results show that our method detects the bad fog device and establishes its trustworthiness in the given scenario.
Geospatial fog computing system offers various benefits as a platform for geospatial computing services closer to the end users, including very low latency, good mobility, precise position awareness, and widespread distribution. In recent years, it has grown quickly. Fog nodes' security is susceptible to a number of assaults, including denial of service and resource abuse, because to their widespread distribution, complex network environments, and restricted resource availability. This paper proposes a Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)-based geospatial quantum fog computing environment that offers a symmetric secret key negotiation protocol that can preserve information-theoretic security. In QKD, after being negotiated between any two fog nodes, the secret keys can be given to several users in various locations to maintain forward secrecy and long-term protection. The new geospatial quantum fog computing environment proposed in this work is able to successfully withstand a variety of fog computing assaults and enhances information security.
Recently, Cloud Computing became one of today’s great innovations for provisioning Information Technology (IT) resources. Moreover, a new model has been introduced named Fog Computing, which addresses Cloud Computing paradigm issues regarding time delay and high cost. However, security challenges are still a big concern about the vulnerabilities to both Cloud and Fog Computing systems. Man- in- the- Middle (MITM) is considered one of the most destructive attacks in a Fog Computing context. Moreover, it’s very complex to detect MiTM attacks as it is performed passively at the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) level, also the Fog Computing paradigm is ideally suitable for MITM attacks. In this paper, a MITM mitigation scheme will be proposed consisting of an SDN network (Fog Leaders) which controls a layer of Fog Nodes. Furthermore, Multi-Path TCP (MPTCP) has been used between all edge devices and Fog Nodes to improve resource utilization and security. The proposed solution performance evaluation has been carried out in a simulation environment using Mininet, Ryu SDN controller and Multipath TCP (MPTCP) Linux kernel. The experimental results showed that the proposed solution improves security, network resiliency and resource utilization without any significant overheads compared to the traditional TCP implementation.
With billions of devices already connected to the network's edge, the Internet of Things (IoT) is shaping the future of pervasive computing. Nonetheless, IoT applications still cannot escape the need for the computing resources available at the fog layer. This becomes challenging since the fog nodes are not necessarily secure nor reliable, which widens even further the IoT threat surface. Moreover, the security risk appetite of heterogeneous IoT applications in different domains or deploy-ment contexts should not be assessed similarly. To respond to this challenge, this paper proposes a new approach to optimize the allocation of secure and reliable fog computing resources among IoT applications with varying security risk level. First, the security and reliability levels of fog nodes are quantitatively evaluated, and a security risk assessment methodology is defined for IoT services. Then, an online, incentive-compatible mechanism is designed to allocate secure fog resources to high-risk IoT offloading requests. Compared to the offline Vickrey auction, the proposed mechanism is computationally efficient and yields an acceptable approximation of the social welfare of IoT devices, allowing to attenuate security risk within the edge network.
The mechanism of Fog computing is a distributed infrastructure to provide the computations as same as cloud computing. The fog computing environment provides the storage and processing of data in a distributed manner based on the locality. Fog servicing is better than cloud service for working with smart devices and users in a same locale. However the fog computing will inherit the features of the cloud, it also suffers from many security issues as cloud. One such security issue is authentication with efficient key management between the communicating entities. In this paper, we propose a secured two-way authentication scheme with efficient management of keys between the user mobile device and smart devices under the control of the fog server. We made use of operations such as one-way hash (SHA-512) functions, bitwise XOR, and fuzzy extractor function to make the authentication system to be better. We have verified the proposed scheme for its security effectiveness by using a well-used analysis tool ProVerif. We also proved that it can resist multiple attacks and the security overhead is reduced in terms of computation and communication cost as compared to the existing methods.