Visible to the public Shade: A Differentially-Private Wrapper for Enterprise Big Data

TitleShade: A Differentially-Private Wrapper for Enterprise Big Data
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsHeifetz, A., Mugunthan, V., Kagal, L.
Conference Name2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)
Date Publisheddec
ISBN Number978-1-5386-2715-0
KeywordsBig Data, Big Data analytics, big data privacy, data privacy, Databases, Differential privacy, enterprise big data, human factors, Laplace equations, Metrics, policy, privacy, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, Sensitivity, Sparks

Enterprises usually provide strong controls to prevent cyberattacks and inadvertent leakage of data to external entities. However, in the case where employees and data scientists have legitimate access to analyze and derive insights from the data, there are insufficient controls and employees are usually permitted access to all information about the customers of the enterprise including sensitive and private information. Though it is important to be able to identify useful patterns of one's customers for better customization and service, customers' privacy must not be sacrificed to do so. We propose an alternative -- a framework that will allow privacy preserving data analytics over big data. In this paper, we present an efficient and scalable framework for Apache Spark, a cluster computing framework, that provides strong privacy guarantees for users even in the presence of an informed adversary, while still providing high utility for analysts. The framework, titled Shade, includes two mechanisms -- SparkLAP, which provides Laplacian perturbation based on a user's query and SparkSAM, which uses the contents of the database itself in order to calculate the perturbation. We show that the performance of Shade is substantially better than earlier differential privacy systems without loss of accuracy, particularly when run on datasets small enough to fit in memory, and find that SparkSAM can even exceed performance of an identical nonprivate Spark query.

Citation Keyheifetz_shade:_2017