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Dabush, Lital, Routtenberg, Tirza.  2022.  Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Unobservable Power Systems by Laplacian Regularization. 2022 IEEE 12th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM). :415—419.
The modern electrical grid is a complex cyber-physical system, and thus is vulnerable to measurement losses and attacks. In this paper, we consider the problem of detecting false data injection (FDI) attacks and bad data in unobservable power systems. Classical bad-data detection methods usually assume observable systems and cannot detect stealth FDI attacks. We use the smoothness property of the system states (voltages) w.r.t. the admittance matrix, which is also the Laplacian of the graph representation of the grid. First, we present the Laplacian-based regularized state estimator, which does not require full observability of the network. Then, we derive the Laplacian-regularized generalized likelihood ratio test (LR-GLRT). We show that the LR-GLRT has a component of a soft high-pass graph filter applied to the state estimator. Numerical results on the IEEE 118-bus system demonstrate that the LR-GLRT outperforms other detection approaches and is robust to missing data.
Tao, Qian, Tong, Yongxin, Li, Shuyuan, Zeng, Yuxiang, Zhou, Zimu, Xu, Ke.  2021.  A Differentially Private Task Planning Framework for Spatial Crowdsourcing. 2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM). :9—18.
Spatial crowdsourcing has stimulated various new applications such as taxi calling and food delivery. A key enabler for these spatial crowdsourcing based applications is to plan routes for crowd workers to execute tasks given diverse requirements of workers and the spatial crowdsourcing platform. Despite extensive studies on task planning in spatial crowdsourcing, few have accounted for the location privacy of tasks, which may be misused by an untrustworthy platform. In this paper, we explore efficient task planning for workers while protecting the locations of tasks. Specifically, we define the Privacy-Preserving Task Planning (PPTP) problem, which aims at both total revenue maximization of the platform and differential privacy of task locations. We first apply the Laplacian mechanism to protect location privacy, and analyze its impact on the total revenue. Then we propose an effective and efficient task planning algorithm for the PPTP problem. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real datasets validate the advantages of our algorithm in terms of total revenue and time cost.
Shoba, V., Parameswari, R..  2021.  Data Security and Privacy Preserving with Augmented Homomorphic Re-Encryption Decryption (AHRED) Algorithm in Big Data Analytics. 2021 Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA). :451–457.
The process of Big data storage has become challenging due to the expansion of extensive data; data providers will offer encrypted data and upload to Big data. However, the data exchange mechanism is unable to accommodate encrypted data. Particularly when a large number of users share the scalable data, the scalability becomes extremely limited. Using a contemporary privacy protection system to solve this issue and ensure the security of encrypted data, as well as partially homomorphic re-encryption and decryption (PHRED). This scheme has the flexibility to share data by ensuring user's privacy with partially trusted Big Data. It can access to strong unforgeable scheme it make the transmuted cipher text have public and private key verification combined identity based Augmented Homomorphic Re Encryption Decryption(AHRED) on paillier crypto System with Laplacian noise filter the performance of the data provider for privacy preserving big data.
Gadepally, Krishna Chaitanya, Mangalampalli, Sameer.  2021.  Effects of Noise on Machine Learning Algorithms Using Local Differential Privacy Techniques. 2021 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS). :1–4.

Noise has been used as a way of protecting privacy of users in public datasets for many decades now. Differential privacy is a new standard to add noise, so that user privacy is protected. When this technique is applied for a single end user data, it's called local differential privacy. In this study, we evaluate the effects of adding noise to generate randomized responses on machine learning models. We generate randomized responses using Gaussian, Laplacian noise on singular end user data as well as correlated end user data. Finally, we provide results that we have observed on a few data sets for various machine learning use cases.

Roy, Debaleena, Guha, Tanaya, Sanchez, Victor.  2021.  Graph Based Transforms based on Graph Neural Networks for Predictive Transform Coding. 2021 Data Compression Conference (DCC). :367–367.
This paper introduces the GBT-NN, a novel class of Graph-based Transform within the context of block-based predictive transform coding using intra-prediction. The GBT-NNis constructed by learning a mapping function to map a graph Laplacian representing the covariance matrix of the current block. Our objective of learning such a mapping functionis to design a GBT that performs as well as the KLT without requiring to explicitly com-pute the covariance matrix for each residual block to be transformed. To avoid signallingany additional information required to compute the inverse GBT-NN, we also introduce acoding framework that uses a template-based prediction to predict residuals at the decoder. Evaluation results on several video frames and medical images, in terms of the percentageof preserved energy and mean square error, show that the GBT-NN can outperform the DST and DCT.
Shi, Jie, Foggo, Brandon, Kong, Xianghao, Cheng, Yuanbin, Yu, Nanpeng, Yamashita, Koji.  2020.  Online Event Detection in Synchrophasor Data with Graph Signal Processing. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). :1—7.
Online detection of anomalies is crucial to enhancing the reliability and resiliency of power systems. We propose a novel data-driven online event detection algorithm with synchrophasor data using graph signal processing. In addition to being extremely scalable, our proposed algorithm can accurately capture and leverage the spatio-temporal correlations of the streaming PMU data. This paper also develops a general technique to decouple spatial and temporal correlations in multiple time series. Finally, we develop a unique framework to construct a weighted adjacency matrix and graph Laplacian for product graph. Case studies with real-world, large-scale synchrophasor data demonstrate the scalability and accuracy of our proposed event detection algorithm. Compared to the state-of-the-art benchmark, the proposed method not only achieves higher detection accuracy but also yields higher computational efficiency.
Furutani, S., Shibahara, T., Hato, K., Akiyama, M., Aida, M..  2020.  Sybil Detection as Graph Filtering. GLOBECOM 2020 - 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :1–6.
Sybils are users created for carrying out nefarious actions in online social networks (OSNs) and threaten the security of OSNs. Therefore, Sybil detection is an urgent security task, and various detection methods have been proposed. Existing Sybil detection methods are based on the relationship (i.e., graph structure) of users in OSNs. Structure-based methods can be classified into two categories: Random Walk (RW)-based and Belief Propagation (BP)-based. However, although almost all methods have been experimentally evaluated in terms of their performance and robustness to noise, the theoretical understanding of them is insufficient. In this paper, we interpret the Sybil detection problem from the viewpoint of graph signal processing and provide a framework to formulate RW- and BPbased methods as low-pass filtering. This framework enables us to theoretically compare RW- and BP-based methods and explain why BP-based methods perform well for scale-free graphs, unlike RW-based methods. Furthermore, by this framework, we relate RW- and BP-based methods and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and discuss the difference among these methods. Finally, we evaluate the validity of this framework through numerical experiments.
Prathusha, P., Jyothi, S., Mamatha, D. M..  2018.  Enhanced Image Edge Detection Methods for Crab Species Identification. 2018 International Conference on Soft-computing and Network Security (ICSNS). :1—7.

Automatic Image Analysis, Image Classification, Automatic Object Recognition are some of the aspiring research areas in various fields of Engineering. Many Industrial and biological applications demand Image Analysis and Image Classification. Sample images available for classification may be complex, image data may be inadequate or component regions in the image may have poor visibility. With the available information each Digital Image Processing application has to analyze, classify and recognize the objects appropriately. Pre-processing, Image segmentation, feature extraction and classification are the most common steps to follow for Classification of Images. In this study we applied various existing edge detection methods like Robert, Sobel, Prewitt, Canny, Otsu and Laplacian of Guassian to crab images. From the conducted analysis of all edge detection operators, it is observed that Sobel, Prewitt, Robert operators are ideal for enhancement. The paper proposes Enhanced Sobel operator, Enhanced Prewitt operator and Enhanced Robert operator using morphological operations and masking. The novelty of the proposed approach is that it gives thick edges to the crab images and removes spurious edges with help of m-connectivity. Parameters which measure the accuracy of the results are employed to compare the existing edge detection operators with proposed edge detection operators. This approach shows better results than existing edge detection operators.

Zhang, T.-Y., Ye, D..  2020.  Distributed Secure Control Against Denial-of-Service Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems Based on K-Connected Communication Topology. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 50:3094–3103.
In this article, the security problem in cyber-physical systems (CPSs) against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks is studied from the perspectives of the designs of communication topology and distributed controller. To resist the DoS attacks, a new construction algorithm of the k-connected communication topology is developed based on the proposed necessary and sufficient criteria of the k-connected graph. Furthermore, combined with the k-connected topology, a distributed event-triggered controller is designed to guarantee the consensus of CPSs under mode-switching DoS (MSDoS) attacks. Different from the existing distributed control schemes, a new technology, that is, the extended Laplacian matrix method, is combined to design the distributed controller independent on the knowledge and the dwell time of DoS attack modes. Finally, the simulation example illustrates the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed construction algorithm and a distributed control scheme.
Yao, Yepeng, Su, Liya, Lu, Zhigang, Liu, Baoxu.  2019.  STDeepGraph: Spatial-Temporal Deep Learning on Communication Graphs for Long-Term Network Attack Detection. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :120–127.
Network communication data are high-dimensional and spatiotemporal, and their information content is often degraded by common traffic analysis methods. For long-term network attack detection based on network flows, it is important to extract a discriminative, high-dimensional intrinsic representation of such flows. This work focuses on a hybrid deep neural network design using a combination of a convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) with graph similarity measures to learn high-dimensional representations from the network traffic. In particular, examining a set of network flows, we commence by constructing a temporal communication graph and then computing graph kernel matrices. Having obtained the kernel matrices, for each graph, we use the kernel value between graphs and calculate graph characterization vectors by graph signal processing. This vector can be regarded as a kernel-based similarity embedding vector of the graph that integrates structural similarity information and leverages efficient graph kernel using the graph Laplacian matrix. Our approach exploits graph structures as the additional prior information, the graph Laplacian matrix for feature extraction and hybrid deep learning models for long-term information learning on communication graphs. Experiments on two real-world network attack datasets show that our approach can extract more discriminative representations, leading to an improved accuracy in a supervised classification task. The experimental results show that our method increases the overall accuracy by approximately 10%-15%.
Shang, Jiacheng, Wu, Jie.  2019.  Enabling Secure Voice Input on Augmented Reality Headsets using Internal Body Voice. 2019 16th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON). :1—9.

Voice-based input is usually used as the primary input method for augmented reality (AR) headsets due to immersive AR experience and good recognition performance. However, recent researches have shown that an attacker can inject inaudible voice commands to the devices that lack voice verification. Even if we secure voice input with voice verification techniques, an attacker can easily steal the victim's voice using low-cast handy recorders and replay it to voice-based applications. To defend against voice-spoofing attacks, AR headsets should be able to determine whether the voice is from the person who is using the AR headsets. Existing voice-spoofing defense systems are designed for smartphone platforms. Due to the special locations of microphones and loudspeakers on AR headsets, existing solutions are hard to be implemented on AR headsets. To address this challenge, in this paper, we propose a voice-spoofing defense system for AR headsets by leveraging both the internal body propagation and the air propagation of human voices. Experimental results show that our system can successfully accept normal users with average accuracy of 97% and defend against two types of attacks with average accuracy of at least 98%.

Liu, Y., Li, L., Gao, Q., Cao, J., Wang, R., Sun, Z..  2019.  Analytical Model of Torque-Prediction for a Novel Hybrid Rotor Permanent Magnet Machines. IEEE Access. 7:109528–109538.

This paper presents an analytical method for predicting the electromagnetic performance in permanent magnet (PM) machine with the spoke-type rotor (STR) and a proposed hybrid rotor structure (HRS), respectively. The key of this method is to combine magnetic field analysis model (MFAM) with the magnetic equivalent circuit model. The influence of the irregular PM shape is considered by the segmentation calculation. To obtain the boundary condition in the MFAM, respectively, two equivalent methods on the rotor side are proposed. In the STR, the average flux density of the rotor core outer-surface is calculated to solve the Laplace's equation with considering for the rotor core outer-surface eccentric. In the HRS, based on the Thevenin's theorem, the equivalent parameters of PM remanence BreB and thickness hpme are obtained as a given condition, which can be utilized to compute the air-gap flux density by conventional classic magnetic field analysis model of surface-mounted PMs with air-gap region. Finally, the proposed analytical models are verified by the finite element analysis (FEA) with comparisons of the air-gap flux density, flux linkage, back-EMF and electromagnetic torque, respectively. Furthermore, the performance that the machine with the proposed hybrid structure rotor can improve the torque density as explained.

Zhao, Zhiqiang, Feng, Z..  2017.  A Spectral Graph Sparsification Approach to Scalable Vectorless Power Grid Integrity Verification. 2017 54th ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). :1–6.

Vectorless integrity verification is becoming increasingly critical to robust design of nanoscale power delivery networks (PDNs). To dramatically improve efficiency and capability of vectorless integrity verifications, this paper introduces a scalable multilevel integrity verification framework by leveraging a hierarchy of almost linear-sized spectral power grid sparsifiers that can well retain effective resistances between nodes, as well as a recent graph-theoretic algebraic multigrid (AMG) algorithmic framework. As a result, vectorless integrity verification solution obtained on coarse level problems can effectively help find the solution of the original problem. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed vectorless verification framework can always efficiently and accurately obtain worst-case scenarios in even very large power grid designs.

Heifetz, A., Mugunthan, V., Kagal, L..  2017.  Shade: A Differentially-Private Wrapper for Enterprise Big Data. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :1033–1042.

Enterprises usually provide strong controls to prevent cyberattacks and inadvertent leakage of data to external entities. However, in the case where employees and data scientists have legitimate access to analyze and derive insights from the data, there are insufficient controls and employees are usually permitted access to all information about the customers of the enterprise including sensitive and private information. Though it is important to be able to identify useful patterns of one's customers for better customization and service, customers' privacy must not be sacrificed to do so. We propose an alternative — a framework that will allow privacy preserving data analytics over big data. In this paper, we present an efficient and scalable framework for Apache Spark, a cluster computing framework, that provides strong privacy guarantees for users even in the presence of an informed adversary, while still providing high utility for analysts. The framework, titled Shade, includes two mechanisms — SparkLAP, which provides Laplacian perturbation based on a user's query and SparkSAM, which uses the contents of the database itself in order to calculate the perturbation. We show that the performance of Shade is substantially better than earlier differential privacy systems without loss of accuracy, particularly when run on datasets small enough to fit in memory, and find that SparkSAM can even exceed performance of an identical nonprivate Spark query.

Jingkuan Song, Yi Yang, Xuelong Li, Zi Huang, Yang Yang.  2014.  Robust Hashing With Local Models for Approximate Similarity Search. Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on. 44:1225-1236.

Similarity search plays an important role in many applications involving high-dimensional data. Due to the known dimensionality curse, the performance of most existing indexing structures degrades quickly as the feature dimensionality increases. Hashing methods, such as locality sensitive hashing (LSH) and its variants, have been widely used to achieve fast approximate similarity search by trading search quality for efficiency. However, most existing hashing methods make use of randomized algorithms to generate hash codes without considering the specific structural information in the data. In this paper, we propose a novel hashing method, namely, robust hashing with local models (RHLM), which learns a set of robust hash functions to map the high-dimensional data points into binary hash codes by effectively utilizing local structural information. In RHLM, for each individual data point in the training dataset, a local hashing model is learned and used to predict the hash codes of its neighboring data points. The local models from all the data points are globally aligned so that an optimal hash code can be assigned to each data point. After obtaining the hash codes of all the training data points, we design a robust method by employing ℓ2,1-norm minimization on the loss function to learn effective hash functions, which are then used to map each database point into its hash code. Given a query data point, the search process first maps it into the query hash code by the hash functions and then explores the buckets, which have similar hash codes to the query hash code. Extensive experimental results conducted on real-life datasets show that the proposed RHLM outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of search quality and efficiency.