Visible to the public Security and trust for surveillance cameras

TitleSecurity and trust for surveillance cameras
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsBoyarinov, K., Hunter, A.
Conference Name2017 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS)
Date Publishedoct
Keywordsabstract vulnerabilities, attacks, Cameras, commercial IP camera, compositionality, Feeds, IP networks, pubcrawl, security, security of data, Standards, surveillance, surveillance cameras, telecommunication security, trust relationships, video surveillance

We address security and trust in the context of a commercial IP camera. We take a hands-on approach, as we not only define abstract vulnerabilities, but we actually implement the attacks on a real camera. We then discuss the nature of the attacks and the root cause; we propose a formal model of trust that can be used to address the vulnerabilities by explicitly constraining compositionality for trust relationships.

Citation Keyboyarinov_security_2017