Visible to the public Internet of Things: Raging Devices and Standardization in Low-Powered Protocols

TitleInternet of Things: Raging Devices and Standardization in Low-Powered Protocols
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsMehta, N. P., Sahai, A. K.
Conference Name2017 Second International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT)
ISBN Number978-1-5090-3239-6
Keywords6LoWPAN, Capacity planning, CoAP, composability, computer centres, cyber physical systems security, data centers, IEEE 802.15 Standard, IEEE 802.15.4, Internet, Internet of Things, IoT, IoT devices, IoT system architecture, IP networks, low-powered protocols, open systems, OSI, OSI model, Protocols, pubcrawl, raging devices, resilience, Resiliency, security, Sensors, standard communication protocols, standardization, The Thing, Thread

This paper addresses the need for standard communication protocols for IoT devices with limited power and computational capabilities. The world is rapidly changing with the proliferation and deployment of IoT devices. This will bring in new communication challenges as these devices are connected to Internet and need to communicate with each other in real time. The paper provides an overview of IoT system architecture and the forthcoming challenges it will bring. There is an urging need to establish standards for communication in the IoT world. With the recent development of new protocols like CoAP, 6LowPAN, IEEE 802.15.4 and Thread in different layers of OSI model, additional challenges also present themselves. Performance and data management is becoming more critical than ever before due to the complexity of connecting raging number of IoT devices. The performance of the systems dealing with IoT devices will require appropriate capacity planning the associated development of data centers. Finally, the paper also presents some reasonable approaches to address the above issues in the IoT world.

Citation Keymehta_internet_2017