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Nascimento, Márcio, Araujo, Jean, Ribeiro, Admilson.  2022.  Systematic review on mitigating and preventing DDoS attacks on IoT networks. 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). :1–9.
Internet of Things (IoT) and those protocol CoAP and MQTT has security issues that have entirely changed the security strategy should be utilized and behaved for devices restriction. Several challenges have been observed in multiple domains of security, but Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) have actually dangerous in IoT that have RT. Thus, the IoT paradigm and those protocols CoAP and MQTT have been investigated to seek whether network services could be efficiently delivered for resources usage, managed, and disseminated to the devices. Internet of Things is justifiably joined with the best practices augmentation to make this task enriched. However, factors behaviors related to traditional networks have not been effectively mitigated until now. In this paper, we present and deep, qualitative, and comprehensive systematic mapping to find the answers to the following research questions, such as, (i) What is the state-of-the-art in IoT security, (ii) How to solve the restriction devices challenges via infrastructure involvement, (iii) What type of technical/protocol/ paradigm needs to be studied, and (iv) Security profile should be taken care of, (v) As the proposals are being evaluated: A. If in simulated/virtualized/emulated environment or; B. On real devices, in which case which devices. After doing a comparative study with other papers dictate that our work presents a timely contribution in terms of novel knowledge toward an understanding of formulating IoT security challenges under the IoT restriction devices take care.
ISSN: 2166-0727
Bettoumi, Balkis, Bouallegue, Ridha.  2021.  Efficient Reduction of the Transmission Delay of the Authentication Based Elliptic Curve Cryptography in 6LoWPAN Wireless Sensor Networks in the Internet of Things. 2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). :1471–1476.
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is considered as the backbone of Internet of Things (IoT) networks. Authentication is the most important phase that guarantees secure access to such networks but it is more critical than that in traditional Internet because the communications are established between constrained devices that could not compute heavy cryptographic primitives. In this paper, we are studying with real experimentation the efficiency of HIP Diet EXchange header (HIP DEX) protocol over IPv6 over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) in IoT. The adopted application layer protocol is Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) and as a routing protocol, the Routing Protocol for Low power and lossy networks (RPL). The evaluation concerns the total End-to-End transmission delays during the authentication process between the communicating peers regarding the processing, propagation, and queuing times' overheads results. Most importantly, we propose an efficient handshake packets' compression header, and we detailed a comparison of the above evaluation's criteria before and after the proposed compression. Obtained results are very encouraging and reinforce the efficiency of HIP DEX in IoT networks during the handshake process of constrained nodes.
Navas, Renzo E., Sandaker, Håkon, Cuppens, Frédéric, Cuppens, Nora, Toutain, Laurent, Papadopoulos, Georgios Z..  2020.  IANVS: A Moving Target Defense Framework for a Resilient Internet of Things. 2020 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :1—6.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is more and more present in fundamental aspects of our societies and personal life. Billions of objects now have access to the Internet. This networking capability allows for new beneficial services and applications. However, it is also the entry-point for a wide variety of cyber-attacks that target these devices. The security measures present in real IoT systems lag behind those of the standard Internet. Security is sometimes completely absent. Moving Target Defense (MTD) is a 10-year-old cyber-defense paradigm. It proposes to randomize components of a system. Reasonably, an attacker will have a higher cost attacking an MTD-version of a system compared with a static-version of it. Even if MTD has been successfully applied to standard systems, its deployment for IoT is still lacking. In this paper, we propose a generic MTD framework suitable for IoT systems: IANVS (pronounced Janus). Our framework has a modular design. Its components can be adapted according to the specific constraints and requirements of a particular IoT system. We use it to instantiate two concrete MTD strategies. One that targets the UDP port numbers (port-hopping), and another a CoAP resource URI. We implement our proposal on real hardware using Pycom LoPy4 nodes. We expose the nodes to a remote Denial-of-Service attack and evaluate the effectiveness of the IANVS-based port-hopping MTD proposal.
Westphall, J., Loffi, L., Westphall, C. M., Martina, J. Everson.  2020.  CoAP + DTLS: A Comprehensive Overview of Cryptographic Performance on an IOT Scenario. 2020 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS). :1—6.
Internet of things (IoT) and Fog computing applications deal with sensitive data and need security tools to be protected against attackers. CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol), combined with DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer Security), provides security to IoT/Fog applications. However, processing times need to be considered when using this combination due to IoT/Fog environment constraints. Our work presents a CoAP with DTLS application and analyzes the performance of Raspberry Pi 3 during DTLS handshakes, data encryption and data decryption with the most relevant cipher suites. The performance of confirmable and non-confirmable CoAP POST requests is also measured and discussed in our work. We discovered that cipher suites that use RSA as an authentication method on handshake are slightly faster than cipher suites that use ECDSA, while symmetric key encryption with AES256(128)GCM are 40% faster than AES256(128) default modes. Our study also suggests CoAP modifications to obtain higher efficiency, and it might help future IoT/Fog application developers to understand CoAP and DTLS union, providing an application example and performance metrics.
Nikolov, N..  2020.  Research of MQTT, CoAP, HTTP and XMPP IoT Communication protocols for Embedded Systems. 2020 XXIX International Scientific Conference Electronics (ET). :1—4.

This paper describe most popular IoT protocols used for IoT embedded systems and research their advantage and disadvantage. Hardware stage used in this experiment is described in this article - it is used Esp32 and programming language C. It is very important to use corrected IoT protocol that is determines of purpose, hardware and software of system. There are so different IoT protocols, because they are cover vary requirements for vary cases.

Gündoğan, C., Amsüss, C., Schmidt, T. C., Wählisch, M..  2020.  IoT Content Object Security with OSCORE and NDN: A First Experimental Comparison. 2020 IFIP Networking Conference (Networking). :19–27.
The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) challenges the end-to-end transport of the Internet by low power lossy links and gateways that perform protocol translations. Protocols such as CoAP or MQTT-SN are degraded by the overhead of DTLS sessions, which in common deployment protect content transfer only up to the gateway. To preserve content security end-to-end via gateways and proxies, the IETF recently developed Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (OSCORE), which extends CoAP with content object security features commonly known from Information Centric Networks (ICN). This paper presents a comparative analysis of protocol stacks that protect request-response transactions. We measure protocol performances of CoAP over DTLS, OSCORE, and the information-centric Named Data Networking (NDN) protocol on a large-scale IoT testbed in single- and multi-hop scenarios. Our findings indicate that (a) OSCORE improves on CoAP over DTLS in error-prone wireless regimes due to omitting the overhead of maintaining security sessions at endpoints, and (b) NDN attains superior robustness and reliability due to its intrinsic network caches and hop-wise retransmissions.
Seliem, M., Elgazzar, K..  2020.  LPA-SDP: A Lightweight Privacy-Aware Service Discovery Protocol for IoT Environments. 2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :1–7.
Latest forecasts show that 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet by 2020. These devices will provide ubiquitous data access and enable smarter interactions in all aspects of our everyday life, including vital domains such as healthcare and battlefields, where privacy is a key requirement. With the increasing adoption of IoT and the explosion of these resource-constrained devices, manual discovery and configuration become significantly challenging. Despite there is a number of resource discovery protocols that can be efficiently used in IoT deployments, none of these protocols provides any privacy consideration. This paper presents LPA-SDT, a novel technique for service discovery that builds privacy into the design from the ground up. Performance evaluation demonstrates that LPA-SDT outperforms state-of-the-art discovery techniques for resource-constrained environments while preserving user and data privacy.
Sarrab, Mohamed, Alnaeli, Saleh M..  2018.  Critical Aspects Pertaining Security of IoT Application Level Software Systems. 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :960–964.
With the prevalence of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and systems, touching almost every single aspect of our modern life, one core factor that will determine whether this technology will succeed, and gain people trust, or fail is security. This technology aimed to facilitate and improve the quality of our life; however, it is hysterical and fast growth makes it an attractive and prime target for a whole variety of hackers posing a significant risk to our technology and IT infrastructures at both enterprise and individual levels. This paper discusses and identifies some critical aspects from software security perspective that need to be addressed and considered when designing IoT applications. This paper mainly concerned with potential security issues of the applications running on IoT devices including insecure interfaces, insecure software, constrained application protocol and middleware security. This effort is part of a funded research project that investigates internet of things (IoT) security and privacy issues related to architecture, connectivity and data collection.
Mehta, N. P., Sahai, A. K..  2017.  Internet of Things: Raging Devices and Standardization in Low-Powered Protocols. 2017 Second International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT). :1–5.

This paper addresses the need for standard communication protocols for IoT devices with limited power and computational capabilities. The world is rapidly changing with the proliferation and deployment of IoT devices. This will bring in new communication challenges as these devices are connected to Internet and need to communicate with each other in real time. The paper provides an overview of IoT system architecture and the forthcoming challenges it will bring. There is an urging need to establish standards for communication in the IoT world. With the recent development of new protocols like CoAP, 6LowPAN, IEEE 802.15.4 and Thread in different layers of OSI model, additional challenges also present themselves. Performance and data management is becoming more critical than ever before due to the complexity of connecting raging number of IoT devices. The performance of the systems dealing with IoT devices will require appropriate capacity planning the associated development of data centers. Finally, the paper also presents some reasonable approaches to address the above issues in the IoT world.

Lavanya, Natarajan.  2016.  Lightweight Authentication for COAP Based IOT. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Internet of Things. :167–168.

Security of Constrained application protocol(COAP) used instead of HTTP in Internet of Thing s(IoT) is achieved using DTLS which uses the Internet key exchange protocol for key exchange and management. In this work a novel key exchange and authentication protocol is proposed. CLIKEv2 protcol is a certificate less and light weight version of the existing protocol. The protocol design is tested with the formal protcol verification tool Scyther, where no named attacks are identified for the propsed protocol. Compared to the existing IKE protocol the CLIKEv2 protocol reduces the computation time, key sizes and ultimately reduces energy consumption.

Jan, M.A., Nanda, P., Xiangjian He, Zhiyuan Tan, Ren Ping Liu.  2014.  A Robust Authentication Scheme for Observing Resources in the Internet of Things Environment. Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on. :205-211.

The Internet of Things is a vision that broadens the scope of the internet by incorporating physical objects to identify themselves to the participating entities. This innovative concept enables a physical device to represent itself in the digital world. There are a lot of speculations and future forecasts about the Internet of Things devices. However, most of them are vendor specific and lack a unified standard, which renders their seamless integration and interoperable operations. Another major concern is the lack of security features in these devices and their corresponding products. Most of them are resource-starved and unable to support computationally complex and resource consuming secure algorithms. In this paper, we have proposed a lightweight mutual authentication scheme which validates the identities of the participating devices before engaging them in communication for the resource observation. Our scheme incurs less connection overhead and provides a robust defence solution to combat various types of attacks.