Visible to the public A Model-Checking Approach for Enforcing Purpose-Based Privacy Policies

TitleA Model-Checking Approach for Enforcing Purpose-Based Privacy Policies
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsJoshaghani, R., Mehrpouyan, H.
Conference Name2017 IEEE Symposium on Privacy-Aware Computing (PAC)
Keywordscomplex privacy policies, customized privacy policies, Data models, data privacy, data sharing actions, Electronic mail, formal modeling, formal verification, information disclosures, Measurement, Metrics, model checking, model-checking approach, Natural languages, privacy, privacy management system, privacy management tool, privacy models, private information, pubcrawl, purpose-based privacy policies, realistic policies, user behavior monitoring, web services

With the growth of Internet in many different aspects of life, users are required to share private information more than ever. Hence, users need a privacy management tool that can enforce complex and customized privacy policies. In this paper, we propose a privacy management system that not only allows users to define complex privacy policies for data sharing actions, but also monitors users' behavior and relationships to generate realistic policies. In addition, the proposed system utilizes formal modeling and model-checking approach to prove that information disclosures are valid and privacy policies are consistent with one another.

Citation Keyjoshaghani_model-checking_2017