Visible to the public Anticipatory Driven Nodal Electricity Load Morphing in Smart Cities Enhancing Consumption Privacy

TitleAnticipatory Driven Nodal Electricity Load Morphing in Smart Cities Enhancing Consumption Privacy
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAlamaniotis, M., Tsoukalas, L. H., Bourbakis, N.
Conference Name2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech
Keywordsaggregated pattern, anticipation, consumption privacy, Correlation, data privacy, digital connectivity, electricity consumption patterns privacy, genetic algorithm, genetic algorithms, human factors, load anticipation, load morphing, Optimization, optimization scheme, personal habits, power consumption, power infrastructure, power profiles, power system security, predictive tools, privacy, pubcrawl, Servers, smart cities, Smart grid, smart grid consumer privacy, Smart grids, smart power grids, Theil coefficients

Integration of information technologies with the current power infrastructure promises something further than a smart grid: implementation of smart cities. Power efficient cities will be a significant step toward greener cities and a cleaner environment. However, the extensive use of information technologies in smart cities comes at a cost of reduced privacy. In particular, consumers' power profiles will be accessible by third parties seeking information over consumers' personal habits. In this paper, a methodology for enhancing privacy of electricity consumption patterns is proposed and tested. The proposed method exploits digital connectivity and predictive tools offered via smart grids to morph consumption patterns by grouping consumers via an optimization scheme. To that end, load anticipation, correlation and Theil coefficients are utilized synergistically with genetic algorithms to find an optimal assembly of consumers whose aggregated pattern hides individual consumption features. Results highlight the efficiency of the proposed method in enhancing privacy in the environment of smart cities.

Citation Keyalamaniotis_anticipatory_2017