Visible to the public Node energy based virus propagation model for bluetooth

TitleNode energy based virus propagation model for bluetooth
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsNallusamy, T., Ravi, R.
Conference Name2017 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP)
KeywordsBluetooth, Bluetooth network, bluetooth security, composability, Computational modeling, computer network security, computer viruses, E-mail worm Propagation model, Electronic mail, Grippers, Human Behavior, human factor, mobile based Wireless technologies, Mobile communication, mobile computing, NBV model works, network traffic, node capacity, Node Energy Based Virus Propagation, Node energy based virus propagation model, optimal control, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security measures, smart phones, smart-phone Era, Virus Propagation, Viruses (medical)

With the continuous development of mobile based Wireless technologies, Bluetooth plays a vital role in smart-phone Era. In such scenario, the security measures are needed to be enhanced for Bluetooth. We propose a Node Energy Based Virus Propagation Model (NBV) for Bluetooth. The algorithm works with key features of node capacity and node energy in Bluetooth network. This proposed NBV model works along with E-mail worm Propagation model. Finally, this work simulates and compares the virus propagation with respect to Node Energy and network traffic.

Citation Keynallusamy_node_2017